Discussion: White House Aide: GOP Is 'Getting Close' To Voting On Health Care Bill

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“We’re getting close,” Short said

Close to pants shitting, maybe, but not voting.


I think The Apprentice’s frustration with repeal of Obamacare has reached its breaking point. I believe he will encourage the Senate to repeal it now and pass a “replacement” ( The Trump Obituary Care Plan ) subsequently. He is acting out more and more each day. A clear sign that he will erupt if the Senate does not have the votes to pass the toxic Senate bill.


Everyone should keep in mind— if congress can successfully cripple Medicaid, then next on the chopping block will be Medicare itself as well as Social Security. Crippling or killing both programs has been a long time conservative fantasy which can now be made real


He dismissed the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office’s report that 22 million more people would lose coverage… That’s ridiculous,” Short insisted. “That’s not losing, that’s choosing.”

Translation- “We will make health insurance prohibitively expensive and simultaneously useless. When people choose not to buy it, anything that happens to their health is all on them.”


Official Trump GOP position: 22 million being stripped of health insurance to fund tax cuts for the rich is “choosing” to be insured. We officially a nation run by sociopaths.


This is just crazy!

NOBODY is going this REPEAL ACA first and REPLACE later scheme!

Hell if the GOPers are having this much difficulty in agreeing on the amount of their tax cut plan, how can anyone TRUST they will agree on a replacement plan later?

GOPers will do anything for those Koch Bros and Mercer, et al funders! Remember, its their money they want to give back! BITCHES!

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I can set auto insurance at $100000/year, then say people can “choose” not to drive. That’s freedom baby!


Time to write another e-mail missive to Ohio’s useless piece of un-composted human dung, Senator Portman.


He dismissed the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office’s report that 22 million more people would lose coverage by 2026 under the Republican bill than under current law. “That’s ridiculous,” Short insisted. “That’s not losing, that’s choosing.”

And the couple hundred thousand that will die due to lack of coverage because of this bill?

Don’t worry, they won’t be “losing” their lives, just “choosing” to stop breathing.


McConnell was certain that if the vote were not held before July 4th break it was a loser for the GOP. Trump was unhappy at the speed of negotiations and threw a hand grenade into the batch (vote to eliminate ACA now, then replace later. This had been abandoned by the GOP politicians months ago.)

Trump’s hand grenade, intended to reframe the negotiations for the vote in a manner suitable for NY real estate negotiations, in fact destroyed any hope the GOP had of passing a bill.

I dislike McConnell, but I respect his ability to get legislature through the Senate. I doubt if he will be able to resurrect the destruction of the ACA now, and I feel certain that he sees it this way also.

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They had no trouble agreeing on the amount of their tax cut plan, they are having trouble trying to figure out how to sell it to the people who voted for them and are about to be screwed by them.

how can anyone TRUST they will agree on a replacement plan later?

Future replacement is the false premise the GOP is using to justify current repeal. Cruz and his fellow nihilists have no intention to agree on a replacement plan, they are simply crafting a false narrative to provide political cover.


Are there any reports from around the country on what is happening?

If the GOP repeals the ACA, they will not replace it. At this point, for them, 22 mil vs 32 mil without insurance is no difference. They just don’t care. They’ll catch hell anyway, so just go for something simple. Single payer by 2024. Chaos and misery between now and then.


McConnell’s owners must really want those tax cuts – why else does he keep pushing a rope?


I’m afraid that you’re right, Ralph.

There is going to be plenty of misery to go around.


Yup, more than banning abortions and gay rights.

Shows where their priorities lie.


The hand grenade was crafted by Rand Paul and Ben Sasse. DT simply pulled the pin and then took all the credit as is his wont.

This had been abandoned by the GOP politicians months ago.

Until it was resurrected by Paul and Sasse as a “solution” to GOP ineptitude.

I respect [McConnell’s] ability to get legislature through the Senate.

What legislation has McConnell gotten through the Senate in his tenure as majority leader? His track record has been total obstruction throughout the Obama administration, abuse of authority in depriving the Senate of its constitutional duty to advise and consent on the Garland nomination, and total failure to pass anything during the DT maladministration. That is not a record worthy of respect.

I doubt if he will be able to resurrect the destruction of the ACA now

Why? If he is the master of legislative legerdemain as you profess him to be this is his moment to shine. More realistically, McConnell and the rest of the GOP Senate and House have shown they have no problem ignoring the embarrassment-in-chief.


Congress will not successfully cripple Medicaid. You’ve seen the hue and cry before any definitive action has been taken. Moreover, no one but no one even R state zombies will vote to reelect a Congress which has killed or crippled or in some way damaged Medicare or SS. Those are the party’s dreams, they shouldn’t become our fears.


I hope he erupts in a manner that cannot be ignored by anyone. I know - to the sane among us it seems like that happened a long time ago. However. Mango Mussolini has shown us time and time again that he is capable of descending into ever lower depths that were unfathomable mere moments ago. Surely there is a point at which the Rs must say, this has to stop; we’re not getting anything done, and he’s making all of us look bad. That point should have been reached a long time ago, but it may be that Rs are slow learners. Who knows? I think his behavior is becoming more unhinged daily, but maybe I’m biased.