Discussion: While Kobach Commission Bumbles, DOJ Sends Its Own Voter Suppression Signals

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Sessions: “If I had my druthers only white male reliably Republican property owners would be allowed to vote. And I fully intend to do everything I can to see my druthers are fully met.”


Geez, but I loathe this person with the heat of a thousand suns.


I loathe every appointee that Trump has put into place. I can’t even pick the worse one. They are all equally toxic to what the agency is supposed to stand for and do.


I see Sessions but all I hear is George Wallace.

One way or another, they will suppress the vote.


I hear they are asking Putin for some pointers.
Why not go to the expert.
Maybe a few “unfortunate accidents” for the opposition


I genuinely fear for people. I think that is what ‘they’ want, the fear but I honestly am afraid for those reporting , investigating and on social media.


You may register me for that club. Nothing will make me happier than when Little Beauregard Sessions goes down for being complicit in the Russian scandal. Drip by drip it’s coming out . They all knew . They all thought , everyone’s as stupid as these Trump voters
We’ll never get caught.
The hubris will bring them all down


We will spend resources suppressing the vote and purging the voter roles, rather than properly registering voters and rather than requiring secure voting machines with back-up paper ballots for accuracy. We are the Republicans and we will win and keep power by limiting rights to those we think deserve them and stripping them away from everyone else we can. If we get the laws and processes to the point we want them, we might not even need the help of Russians and such at some time in the future.


And our most right wing extreme (they are NOT conservatives) SCOTUS is cheering Jeff General Beauregard Sessions all the way to the finish line to take away women’s right to vote or to control their own bodies or the right to vote of minorities and especially African-American citizens.

Gorsuch, Roberts, Alito, Thomas, and Kennedy or loving it.

Send Thanks to Harvard and Yale for developing so many fascist American leaders.


Sessions is one of the creepiest members of the cabinet. Price and Pruit also. Do they even know the constitution?

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All i can think of now is Sessions & Pence singing “i’m a Mother-Druther” instead of Samberg n Timberlake as “MotherLovers” …

so…umm…THANKS? :^]


WHAT ARE THEY AFRAID OF? The people, of course. They are afraid of the people.


From your mouth to Robert Mueller’s ears.


You probably don’t think the Klan is composed of good, right-thinking Americans, either.


Name one who’s not creepy. Go on, I dare you!

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The voting rights community isn’t holding its breath for a “report”…

Hey it’s coming right after they vote for Trumpcare, so feel free to hold your breath, it won’t be long…ha ha ha.

Pretty sure this is the definition of “anti-American.”

Aren’t elves a minority demographic? Why would Ku Klux Keebler want to suppress his own race?

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I would like to see some hard hitting Democratic ads starting early. Show Sessions and others in the Trump administration saying " I don’t recall" numerous times when asked about meetings about Russians. At he end of the ad, a voice should ask just what does the R really stand for? Plenty of negative ad material just in their testimony before Congress from the likes of DeVos and others. Unfortunately, I doubt we’ll ever see that type of ad from the Democratic leadership if the past is any indication of the future.