Discussion: When Narratives Collide: Dems Unite With Anti-Deep State GOPers To Demand Docs

Fox News should just be renamed Ministry of Truth. Or, since this is America, Department of Truth, with Hannity as Secretary of Truth.

Me and my yiddische bubbie are dying over here :joy: :joy: :joy:

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Methinks thy snark-o-meter may be in need of a wee recalibration.

I would pet that kitteh for 6 hours straight or until s/he bit me, whichever came first.

Sadly, no takeout for me, not until my kitchen is cleaned for Passover :frowning:



Wait, I thought it was “sheep state”…

Plus the Trump folks that get to see the report know it’s not going to show a deep state against Donald so they won’t let it out without covering up the bad shit it does show regardless of what the pro-Trump folks request.

Mueller is staying on as Special Counsel. I have deep concerns as to whether that is meant to or will be used to subject him to Barr’s authority such that Barr can, and no doubt will, order him to keep his mouth shut about certain things.


Perhaps, but Mueller will likely rebel if he believes that he is being silenced as part of a cover up.

This raises another question. If he’s written his report, why is he still needed as Special Counsel? I am under the impression that he’s handed off all outstanding prosecutions (including grand jury processes) to others. Is my understanding incorrect?

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