Discussion: What To Watch For In Rex Tillerson's Confirmation Hearing

Mr Tillerson, do the Russians have photos of you engaging in water sports? Any other compromising photos?
How can you be sure? We all know you have slept in many, many Russian beds.
Mr Tillerson, how can we be assured you will be a loyal American when as a CEO you repeatedly went around the US government’s sanctions with with Iran, Syria and Sudan?


Why are we even having this confirmation hearing?


Generic, rich, CEO, white dude with eminence grisé. Romney, but with bad teeth. Jack Welch without jet engines. About as passionate as a dead clam.


Rubio’s scoring hits…


He said Putin is NOT a War Criminal.



So Tillerson won’t say yes to whether to support the sanctions on Russia for their interference in the US elections. He who shouldn’t have been even nominated in the first place keeps disqualifying himself there.


Tillerson will not take responsibility for the actions of the company he headed. Nor will he accept any direct tag onPutin.

If Trump is compromised and/or under the thrall of advisors enamoured of Russia, is Tillerson someone picked for him? Is Tillerson himself compromised?
Would Putin deal with anyone who was not?

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Putin combines cyber, disinformation, corruption and kompromat to politically capture a state. We can’t fight that with bombs and bullets, which contradicts Tillerson’s assertion that Russia only respects hard power despite the fact that it probably makes his friends in the defense industry happy.


Bibi made a deal with Putin that Israel would run interference on Aleppo war crimes for a quid pro quo against settlements.

"Cornyn called Tillerson an “inspired choice” for secretary of state who has “been recognized for his humility and his altruism.”

Oh brother. It’s enough to make you want to vomit…


That’s certainly grosser than Golden Showers…

In about a minute, Tillerson could stand up and sing The Internationale and no one would notice, as Trump press conference set to begin


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Any nominee with even half the ties to Russia as Tillerson, after what we know, should be disqualified right off the bat. Trump/Bannon probably just told them to lie, it seems to work.

Looks like Little Marco has found his voice. Watch the video clip linked in the tweet.


So the “change” Trump promised is having a President who doesn’t know what he’s talking about?


NATO has 28 members. Tillerson says the U.S. should join NATO in defending a member attacked by Russia if all NATO members agree to act. (Paraphrase above.)

So, if one country says no, the U.S. won’t act? Don’t know the politics of all 28 countries, but if Marine Le Pen becomes PM of France, for example, she would be likely to ignore Russian aggression in its former satellites.




One of Tillerson’s keys to success: the ability to fake sincerity and get what you want…like being confirmed.

By the way, “should standy by NATO” is far from MUST.

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Yes, and his “lack of leadership” comment ignores:

We got Europe to join us in sanctioning Russia over Ukraine incursion;

We got the P5+1 powers to craft the agreement to limit Iran’s nuclear program to peaceful purposes;

We got 195 nations to join in the Paris climate agreement;

We got Russia to intervene in getting Syria to relinquish declared chemical weapons;

We got Russia to grant passage for troops and materiel in the Afghanistan warfare;

We convened the US-Africa Leaders Summit and renewed the African Growth and Opportunity Act, which will allow sub-Saharan countries – one of the world’s fastest growing regions – to sell their goods in the United States duty-free and forge stronger ties with American interests.

We got 11 Asia and Pacific nations – including our NAFTA partners Mexico and Canada – to agree to the Trans Pacific Partnership and forge stronger economic and strategic ties. (Unfortunately,Congress has not ratified it.)