Discussion: What To Watch For In Rex Tillerson's Confirmation Hearing

So was the testimony for Jeff Sessions saying he’s a great guy because he went into a Dairy Queen.

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I just read that a second time and got that this was a reference to actual testimony. HELP.

Clearly then, the law is safe in Sessions’ hands.

shoulda stayed under your rock Tillerson, nobody knew who you were or that you are a russian whore before tRUmp, now we can put you in the group with the other traitors to this nation: Carter Page, tRUmps (all of 'em), manafort, priebus, flynn… the list just keeps growing

gonna need a lot of rope for the DC ballet, I vote for the scratchiest rope made


Dammit Rex youre throwing me under the bus with this…kelly ann wheres my phone…

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Sounds like Tillerson doesn’t know squat about anything that would qualify him to be Secretary of State. He also doesn’t know how to use the word “fulsome” in a sentence.

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Maybe Marco Rubio will do something right (as opposed to Right) for once?

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Only seen one so far, but already sick and tired of the “(Fill in Republican Senator here) Puts Tough Questions to (Fill in Trump Appointee here)” articles. Like Marco Rubio is going to suddenly grow a spine. No Republican is being “tough.” They will ALL vote to confirm every last nominee, like good little autocratic puppets.

I realize this is a shallow observation on my part, but why don’t these guys get their teeth fixed? It certainly isn’t because it costs too much.

From the Financial Times, London, UK

Tillerson: “We’re going to have to send China a clear signal that, first, the island-building stops and, second, your access to those islands also is not going to be allowed,” he added.

That statement alone should disqualify him. If he was a sitting SoS, this is as close to a declaration of war he can come. Be scared, very scared.

Rubio and Tillerson are disasters for different reasons.

This is a sick phony dance only. They are made for each other.

But like he did with Trump will suck up to him in the end.