GOP/TRUMP/DEPLORABLES/STATE OF THE UNION: FUBAR… it’s gonna be get sick, die quick.
Republican subhumans delivering on their promises. What happens when healthcare system collapses because of their whoring? Nothing, the supporters of #PutinsBitch are oblivious to all outside stimulus. The just keep pressing that button and the electrodes keep stimulating their pleasure centers and that’s all that matters. I hope their deaths are slow and extremely unpleasant.
“as well as a continuation of the Obamacare individual marketplaces, but with the option for consumers to use their tax credits on state-approved plans outside of the exchanges.”
Step One…to be “refined” by lifting the state-approved notion and replacing it with the selling of policies across state lines. These policies, both the ones Alexander is proposing and the eventual “national” ones will be a return to the “catastrophic care” policies that cover nothing at all…but have lower premiums.
This will be a key provision for them, especially when the tie it to a mandate…much like how most states require you to buy insurance to drive a car. Go to an emergency room without insurance, and get a court summons for violating the law. This will serve two purposes…it will drive business to insurance companies…and by business I mean people giving them money without them actually have to provide any service…and it will keep people away from the emergency rooms when they don’t have coverage, driving out that particular cost driver.
The part of Alexander’s plan that will be much more difficult to swallow, is the notion of “making insurance companies right” for some interim period until they get their plan in place. Selling your voters that they had to eliminate their subsidies for insurance, thus making them uninsured, in order to pay the very same insurance companies directly for NOT providing insurance will not go over well in 2018.
What we are seeing here is a bit of a panic on the GOPers side. Some of them at least are realizing that Ryan’s drive to repeal immediately is a train that runs out of track as it goes off the cliff, electorally speaking. What they don’t seem to grasp is that Ryan’s drive for an early repeal without a replacement plan, essentially guarantees there can be no replacement plan…not even some bastardized version of Price’s plan…because once they do away with the taxes in the ACA, they have no money to implement any other plan. Oh…and while Ryan likes to talk(right now) about staying away from Medicare…by repealing ACA he will be making Medicare insolvent…so the next order of business, before they can discuss any replacement, will be voucherizing Medicare at deeply discounted rates.
Manufactured crisis…its the only way the understand
Is there actually someone in the Republican Party who sees that simply repealing Obamacare would be a disaster, both for the insured and the insurers? This shows a level of awareness that one does not normally associate with Republican Senators, especially those from Tennessee. Will a calmer voice prevail? Or will the majority of the Republicans continue with their plans to thwart the will of the American people? Experience says the latter, and optimism (the triumph of hope over experience) is in short supply in today’s America.
I called Alexander’s Nashville office yesterday morning. I was flabbergasted at the vote, especially since not even 24 hours earlier, he told the press he would not repeal without replacement.
The staff woman told me that he was working on a replacement and it would keep the pre-existing conditions clause and it would get rid of the employer mandate clause. She also told me to watch a video on his site about his plan- I haven’t watched it, yet.
She told me they had to do this “budget resolution” in order to start on their replacement and that it wasn’t a repeal. I was quite skeptical of this and voiced it. Glad to know he is actually doing something and not just sitting there lying to us, still I am concerned of what Lamar! creates.
Tea Party announces that Lamar Alexander will face a primary challenger for being TOO liberal and willing to compromise…
Yep, always happens here in Tennessee. Haslam, Corker and Alexander are all too liberal. Ha! Not my version of what a liberal is, but compared to the likes of Desjarlais, Blackburn and Black - they are.
All this talk of replace is illusory, but “gut and walk away” doesn’t quite have the same ring to it.
“Not following President-elect Trump in trying to replace it in one hour, but rather by taking time to disassemble it, in a very thoughtful and careful basis.’
Trump will be angry!
Trump SMASH!!!
(It’s the only thing he knows)
well…vision is one thing…reality is something else.
let me know what the experts think when they actually know what they are talking about.
If a Republican proposes something, at least since Reagan, it usually means death for others.
And the providers of healthcare - they will also be hit hard with a blanket repeal, especially in rural areas. It will be PeePee’s own voters who will lose out the most because “urban” (read: people of color) areas will still have public clinics that will be damaged but still operating.
Use tax credit.
That is the problem, those that really need the ACA, can not afford a tax credit.
Is that Joni Earnst and Elizabeth Warren chatting in the background?
You beat me to it. I noticed the same thing! IIRC, Orrin Hatch was big pals with Ted Kennedy. I suppose it is not different than being on friendly, but superficially so, terms with the FOX viewers in my workplace.
Yes, it’s a perfect lose-lose-lose setup. It’s the kind of thing that Republicans love – hurting the greatest number of people while pleasing a superficially small number of people who aren’t affected by their thoughtlessness.
Don’t you see what’s going on,here? They “keep” Obamacare on the books while they destabilize it left and right. Insurance companies flee the marketplaces, premiums soar, and Republicans point and yell at the top of their lungs “See, Obamacare crashed. It was hopeless!”.
Perfect. Obama and the Democrats take the blame, and Republicans then don’t even have to lift a finger to fix it.
This is what I’ve always thought might end up playing out if the “repeal now no matter what” crowd doesn’t win this fight. Smart Republicans (relatively speaking) know that “repeal and replace” was just a short term campaign rallying cry that would be an instant and easy X number of votes. Never did they actually think they’d have to come up with a replacement that made any coherent sense or came close to accomplishing anything necessary to fix our whole system. So none of what’s going on has to do with giving a damn about the American people. It’s how to save face by avoiding having to actually craft something that’s destined to be inadequate or an outright disaster, and it’s about how to fool the American people into believing the looming healthcare catastrophe has nothing to do with them. Considering this is the era of Donald Trump, I’d expect a good chunk of Americans to be too dumb to understand what’s taking place, and why I’d hope Democrats, liberals, or anyone who actually cares about our healthcare system to get on top of messaging before Hannity convinces the dumber side of the country otherwise. We should learn from their playbook. As soon as they screw with anything substantial within the ACA, call Obamacare done and start referring to it as Trumpcare.