So if Alexander’s plan is a gradual process to ruination and Ryan’s is a quick one will there be an movement on the House side to Boehner Ryan?
Doubtful. At least over this. There may very well be other conflicts that come up down the road that lead to that, but for now, the Freedom Caucus is pretty happy…they basically control Ryan and are merely allowing him to play Speaker since he is gung ho for something they want anyway
Many red state morons think that the ACA and Obamcare are different.
They hate Obamacare because they are racists who hate Obama, but they think they will still have health insurance.
That’s how DUMB they are.
This whole Republican charade of repeal and replace the ACA is like watching Republicans try to repeal and replace the wheel.
The end result will be the same, ineffective and disastrous.
Edit: They should just admit Obama stole their best plan, improved it for the poor and working class by taxing the rich an extra 3.9 percent to subsidize health care costs. That’s something the Republicans would never had done.They can’t eliminate the tax on the wealthy without blowing a big hole in the budget.The tax part on the wealthy is the the thing that drives them insane because it’s working so well and the rich are still getting richer while subsidizing the less fortunate. Thanks Obama!
“The rescue mission is something that [lawmakers] should be cheered on for, but we should watch carefully if they’re going to transfer blame and responsibility to the states,” Jost said.
WTF?! This is the interviewee that is an Obamacare supporter? Why the fuck should lawmakers be applauded for a “rescue” effort that is only necessary because of their blind hatred of Obamacare?
Alexander was actually a decent governor, and a breath of fresh air compared to such paragons of integrity as Ray Blanton and Jake Butcher.
Have you ever heard a journalist, or even an interviewer, ask Ryan, Mitchell, or any repub why they haven’t used these years to have an alternative plan ready to go?
I was thinking about this last night, @hobbitdave , how many of the white Trump voters, who earn below the poverty line, know that Obamacare and the ACA are the same thing? How many think they are two different things? As in “destroy Obamacare, keep the ACA!”? If you had to put a percentage on it? Open question to all, as well.
In other words, essentially keep Obamacare, weaken it, and call it something else. The crazies in the House will never go for it nor will President Tweet.
Why can’t we just have Medicare/Single Payer like all the civilized countries have?
This phrase boils down to “any state that wants to repeal Obamacare without a real replacement can do so in a manner that makes it look like Obamacare collapsed on its own”:
The effect of letting consumers use their ACA subsidies on non-marketplace plans will depend largely on how closely they resemble the current plans that are in line with the Obama administration’s interpretation of the 10 Essential Health Benefits, mandated by the Affordable Care Act.
How is this a plan?
If you knew the history of the GOP since the 1920’s, you would know the answers.
I haven’t seen any recent polling on it, but I know this type of thinking is out there. I’ve seen it on social media on more than one occasion where somebody needed clarification that “Obamacare” was simply a nickname the GOP gave to the Affordable Care Act and the two are one and the same. And I know there has been some past polling that showed large percentages of the public supporting specific provisions within Obamacare when “Obamacare” wasn’t used to describe the law. “Do you like all of these things [shows a list of everything that comprise Obamacare]?” - “Yes!”. “Do you like Obamacare?” - “NO!”. And I know a lot of people think “Obamacare” is some kind of “socialist” public option that they believe is a “handout for people too lazy to work”. I think if there is a repeal with no viable replacement, quite a few people are going to be in for a shocker when their plan gets the axe or their subsidies go away and have to face a new revelation for them that they’ve been benefitting from Obamacare all along. It’s anybody’s guess as to whether they’ll connect the dots and rightfully blame Republicans for taking it away.
Fuck all that noise. Medicare for all, it’s the only way.
It would bring younger, healthier people into the system and would eliminate the excessive profit taking that runs up costs.
Because Republicans.
Edit: And shitty Blue Dog Democrats like Joe Lieberman.
Not to change the subject here but speaking of the ACA you got to check this article out.
O.k. This is starting to really make me sick. Why are Republicans like Alexander seemingly winning brownie points for being “reasonable” about repealing and (maybe, eventually) replacing PPACA? Helloooo!!! Democrats passed and implemented a law SIX YEARS AGO and it’s mostly working well in terms of helping people get affordable health care coverage and keeping people from being horribly abused by the health insurance industry and the market has adjusted to the changes implemented by PPACA with few issues. Democrats are not unwilling to make some changes to the law to make it work better either, but we’re supposed to be grateful that there are a few Republicans whom are responsible enough to suggest that there should be a replacement waiting in the wings before PPACA is repealed? Why not NOT repeal PPACA and fix the problems with the law? Any reasonable person would think that fixing a few problems with a largely functional program would make helluva lot more sense than demolishing the whole thing and then building it back up (which the Republicans will probably get credit for too).
What Republicans wish they could say, but can’t, is that they don’t think healthcare is a right. They don’t care about the uninsured outside of their votes, and the people/families who went bankrupt from sudden medical emergencies had themselves to blame. But Trump has promised no one who was covered will lose coverage, and those (red) states which opted for the Medicaid expansion will not be forfeiting those funds.