Discussion: What Barr's Letter Says About Coming Fight With Lawmakers Over Mueller's Report

Now it’s war.


In his comment on the Barr letter, Josh said that Barr and Rosenstein had concluded that “since Mueller failed to “establish” coordination or conspiracy, Trump all but couldn’t be charged with obstruction of an investigation into that question.”

This policy seems totally wrongheaded to me. In charging Scooter Libby with obstruction of justice, Patrick Fitzgerald made the point that obstruction was analogous to throwing sand in the umpire’s eyes to prevent the umpire from making a call.

Not charging people with obstruction just because prosecutors couldn’t get sufficient evidence of the underlying crime would seem to blatantly reward obstruction: they would only charge a criminal with obstruction if the obstruction failed. If it succeeded, the criminal would be off the hook, both for the original crime and the obstruction.

Why bother to have obstruction on the books at all, if that’s the policy?



Now it’s up to Schiff, Nadler and Pelosi. As for me, I’m looking forward to a night of heavy drinking.


No collusion, it’s being said, and loudly. But does the Mueller report, and/or its background information, address other important issues, either directly or indirectly?

For example, does it say anything about competency on Trump’s part or on the part of those working on the campaign or Trump’s appointees? Perhaps so. Also, there are accompanying issues related to Trump’s response to threats posed Russian threats to our democracy, voting security, etc.

The Dems need to keep their powder dry and come up with a cogent, unified, but accurate interpretation as they gather information here. Grandstanding will distract from this effort.

Personally, I think an effective response would be a Trumpian one: that the Mueller report proves that Trump and the Republicans remain a constant threat to Social Security and healthcare. That’s the message by which the Dems took the House and one that can win the Presidency, if they don’t get too ridiculous.

Nadler has already said that Barr will be subpoenaed. Get ready for hearings


Republican’s are why we can’t have a nice, honest country…


It says that it’s US v Nixon time again, with Congress as the “US” this time. That’t what is says.

-on edit:
Oh, yeah. And now let the public hearing begin. 2 years too late, but the stinking dead bodies lying rotting around the R’s feet after the delay will make the vistory that much more sweet.

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IF Barr’s letter accurately reflects Mueller’s main findings (which is a huge “if” at this point), then I think it’s safe to say there won’t be impeachment proceedings based on anything in the report.

While this is a blow to those who have been rooting for impeachment, it’s probably for the best. It’s highly unlikely impeachment would have led to removal, and even if he was removed that would just have made him a martyr (and left us with Mike Pence).
The best case scenario remains the same as it has been all along – that Trump is voted out of office with a strong majority of voters rejecting the Bigot-In-Chief, rejecting his twisted band of white nationalist cronies and enablers and his constant lying and all the rest.

Even if Mueller had found the kind of red-hot smoking-gun evidence of direct conspiracy between Trump and Putin, at most that would have led to Trump’s removal. But it wouldn’t have defeated Trumpism, and might well have strengthened it.

The real opportunity to decisively crush Trumpism remains the same as it’s been all along – the 2020 election. If Trump is defeated by a solid margin, and especially if the GOP takes another big hit in Congress, my guess is that’s the point a lot of rank-and-file Republicans may finally start to question the party’s embrace of Trump and Trumpism.


Unleash the flying subpoena monkeys.

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I agree, professorpoopypants

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The republicans have totally won this, folks. There may be a meek attempt by Dems to get the report and try to put a face on it that isn’t utter defeat, but in this corrupt climate of tribalism and a totally politicized judiciary, this is over and the GOP stole another one. The Dems will shake their fists, stomp their feet and claim it’s unjust, but the truth is, the GOP plays for keeps and doesn’t give a shit who gets killed in the process. The GOP seated 2 new Supreme Court Justices (and probably another one soon) and that’s all that matters to them. They couldn’t care less how rotten their tactics were. The god damn Mueller report will now embolden the worst of the worst to become even more deranged and malevolent. This is very, very bad news.


It’s been pointed out by several TV commentators that Barr’s summary, while including quotes, does not include even “One full sentence” from Mueller’s report. Sounds like cherry picking to me.

I think the actual report will include tons of negative information–There has to be some accounting for all the numerous Russian contacts. If they weren’t a coordinated plot maybe they were the result of greed, grift and incompetence.


Two points:

  1. Keep in mind this is not the Mueller report. It is the Barr report.
  2. If Barr/Trump/GOP hide the report, it will be great fodder for Democrats in 2020.
    “Why is Trump hiding his taxes?”
    “Why is Trump hiding his college grades?”
    “Why is Trump hiding the Mueller report?”

All those accolades for Mueller, obviously well deserved. He skillfully protected Trump trough investigation, minimized discoveries that could lead to indictment, and then left final decision for guy who who specifically written that sitting president cannot be indited. The media will shift into a high gear in defense of Trump while bashing Democrats in Congress. Maybe this sad charade may teach progressive wing not to underestimate the power of judiciary appointments.

How many times have you seen this shit backfire on them?

They haven’t won shit - we haven’t seen the report. Until we see the Mueller Report nothing has changed.

@planb - we have not seen Mueller’s Report.


I know, and I do not want to be right in this matter. Anyhow, one step forward, two steps back, and then we go forward again.

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I want the truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth. This letter doesn’t give us anything near to that. Donald has been identified as an unindicted co-conspirator in a host of convicted felonies regarding Russia.

The special prosecutor’s report does not exonerate or vindicate Donald of committing ANY crime with Russia. That is the first sentence in Barr’s letter. Mueller’s report, however, does stipulate that there was evidence of plenty of contacts between the Trump administration, family and associates with Russia.

We know that Donald did not answer any of Muller’s questions under oath. I want to know what he was asked and the written answers he gave.

Way too many other defendants close to Trump and his campaign/transition teams have been convicted of crimes with Russia. The report indicates that the Trump Organization was also actively in contact with Russian agents and seeking business projects and profits in Moscow during the period of these crimes. So there is motive, opportunity and means for other crimes to have been committed between Russia and the Trump administration. The report is incomplete.

These Trump relationships and communications must be pursued in the states by both federal and state prosecutors, as Mueller obviously felt he couldn’t under the scope of his mandate that centered only around the election. This is the only way we can get to the truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Trump must answer all these outstanding questions under oath to grand juries…and he will once he is voted out of office next year. There is now a very, very strong incentive for all decent, law abidding voters to make sure this happens.

Unanswered questions are closing in on Donald. He can’t run a successful campaign with his Russian Mafia background and contacts dangling out there unanswered by either Mueller, Barr or even himself. Donald’s every action with Russia and that of his family with Russia during the last decade are now suspect.

How does one run for president as an unindicted co-conspirator of crimes when a jury felt the defendant should be locked up for a long period of time? Imagine what The Founders would think of this charade? The Republicans Party has reached another low standard in history.

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Why was he named as an inindicted co-conspirator not once by several times in several trials?