Discussion: WH Tweets 'Mueller Madness' Bracket With Reporters Who Were 'Embarrassingly Wrong'

I thought SHS was leaving the White House after the first of the year. Is it because the money is good, and she’s such a bad liar and unlikable person that no one else wants her?

So we are now to disregard what we saw with our own eyes and heard with our own ears from Donnie, the fake president. I understand Mueller may not have had sufficient evidence to convict Donnie of intent to obstruct, and there’s the DOJ policy that a president cannot be indicted, even a fake president. Still, I am profoundly disappointed with what we know of the Mueller report, which I admit is very little. I’m still waiting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, because I sure as shit don’t see it now.

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Well I agree that “good news” never lasts but I hope what you mean is that good news for Trump never lasts because it never does.

I liked the Dallas News headline on this today: Mueller Ruling Puzzles Experts. I like that.


Sure we’re beautiful to look at - but inside we’re all gristle, trust me


Right. She was never accepted by the in crowd while growing up Huckabee.

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Arkansas is a wunnerful state or so I’ve been told.

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It’s actually quite pretty. Especially the parts with no people.




When our kids were young we vacationed in Petit Jean State Park a couple of times. Arkansas state parks were head and shoulders above Louisiana state parks back then. Another summer, we went further north around the Buffalo River and Mountain View in the Ozark Mountains. The Ozark Folk Center was a gem in those days. I hope it still is.

The White House is like Leon Lett celebrating before he reached the end zone. They are incentivizing continued investigative reporting and maybe even some leaks of info from the Mueller report if it isn’t released.


This isn’t going to age well.

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“On Tyranny” by Timothy Snyder is a good brief primer on where we may be headed.


Good point. Nothing gets the media more fired up than making the story about them. This WH is eventually going to learn about overreach.

It ain’t over ‘til it’s over Hamhock.
Just sayin’.

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Yesterday, or maybe the day before (I’ve lost track) The Hill offered an abject and frankly a completely disgusting apology to trump. I’ll not be spending any time perusing their articles after ths since they’re saying that the left was comletely wrong and we belong not behind the woodshe but in it…with the door locked.

What a bunch of fucking weenies the Hill is…

I see nothing,… not. one. damned. thing. that changes my mind about trump. I could list it all but y’all know what I refer to.


The other night, the local news conducted a phone poll. Now granted it’s one of those polls but the question was: did the Mueller Report (never mind we don’t have it) cause you to change your mind about Trump?

98% of the people who responded to the poll said NO.


Wanna know the difference between ordinary folk and trump?
Ordinary people have friends, some of long standing and many based on two way loyalty.
trump has Non-Disclosure Agreements… with one way loyalty built in.


Yep - and those aren’t going to take him that far.

trump would hafta change radical Muslim’s idea of Jihad, set up universal world wide single payer health care and cure all forms of cancer… and do it all before noon (local Tucson time) for me to change my mind about him.


Calling the media “the enemy of the people” is breaking the First Amendment and ought to be an impeachable offense. It goes directly against his oath of office, but then we all know how well he keeps oaths and vows. Just ask his 3 wives.

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As always, Sarah is just keeping it classy.


Did you notice the author of the apology was Sharyl Atkisson? Lol. It would have been published sooner, but the Deep State hacked her backspace key again.

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