Discussion: WH Tweets 'Mueller Madness' Bracket With Reporters Who Were 'Embarrassingly Wrong'

The Assholes are getting cocky. (I was going to say that they were revolting, but that’s stating the obvious.)


Her tweet ait going to age well.

“The White House has also been doubling down on its attacks on journalists, insisting that networks employ “basic journalistic standards” and either ban or question Democrats who have voiced opinions about evidence of the Trump campaign’s contacts with Russian actors during the campaign.”

So CNN played along and had Swalwell (Blitzer) and Blumenthal (AC360) on and both men again proved why ‘45’ shouldn’t be doing any victory laps.

Then Cuomo had Rudy Giuliani on and yeaaaaaaaa…


Tax payers money at work people.


You know who should be embarrassed if he wasn’t such a sick sociopath and compulsive liar? Anyone with an actual conscience would be.


Although I’d suspected it for some time now, today Glenn Greenwald revealed, for me at least, that he’s no longer the honest broker in fact and opinion that he either used to be, or that I at least thought he was, up till the Trump era. I say this because today he posted a piece on The Intercept, in which he declared that Barr’s 4 page summary of the Mueller report–which has not yet been released at all, even in part–proves once and for all that everyone who pushed the Trump-Russia Collusion story was not just wrong, but egregiously, massively and embarrassingly wrong–again, based not on the actual Mueller report, but on the 4 page summary of it by a lifelong GOP fixer and liar who is Trump’s new AG and has been on record for years as being opposed to the existence of the Mueller probe on both a lawful and factual basis, before having seen any of Mueller’s findings when he issued these opinions.

I’m only singling out Greenwald because his entire shtick is that he’s supposed to be unbiased and honest and basing his views entirely on known and complete facts, and a leading light of the “alt-left” (my term, perhaps a better one exists) that supposedly rejects both parties, when in demonstrable fact his definitive declaration of Trump’s innocence in this matter is NOT based on known and complete facts, namely the Mueller report along with other ongoing probes, but on the 4 page summary of a clearly biased GOP fixer (doesn’t mean that it’s not an accurate summary of the actual report, but the chances of that are nearly nil).

It’s so disappointing that someone who used to be on “our” side is now basically shilling for Trump and the GOP, and repeating the same basic talking points being spouted–in coordinated fashion, cough cough–as Fox Nuz and the rest of the well-oiled RWNM. I have no idea why he’s doing this–perhaps he literally lost his mind–but this is something I’d expect of Hannity or Pirro or the NY Post or any of those other liars, morons and crazies, not Greenwald. Orwellian doesn’t begin to describe it.


Live and learn.

Btw, Greenwald was never on our side.


As someone said on a WAPO thread, “this is a dry run for fascism”.


To wit, the opinions they expressed were based on open source facts, not speculation. I.e. what we already knew about the many contacts that Team Trump had with Putin-connected Russians and their cutouts. What she said is similar to what Rudiani said about how the truth isn’t the truth (or something along those lines).

Btw I didn’t just write the above words, nor the ones in this sentence, and if you say otherwise you’re a liar who should be banned!


It’s not a dry run. It’s the real thing. Game on, as they see it. Barr’s letter was the green flag. The dry run was everything till then. Folks, they’re finally doing it.

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I’ll just steal this…


If i didnt know better, I think the WH is going to refuse to release the report, saying all that congress and the public needs to confirm the findings of the investigation are all in the barr letter…

or theyll tell barr to react the living shit out of it, erasing any and all things inductive/deductive that might suggest an action need be taken…


Well - we (many of us) aligned with his (Greenwald’s) writings in the run up to Gulf-war II, and Jr.s handling of that… and his writing seemed very spot on, at times.

But that was a looong time ago.

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Yeah, I think we’re pretty far down the path.

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It’s very obvious that Mueller’s mandate and his self-imposed limits did not reach his (very high) threshold. But I say, have at it, Trump! Overreach like mad and start your own witch hunt. Keep harping upon this for 18 months with your Rasputin, Lindsay. Since you have such saint-like innocence, I’m sure you wouldn’t mind showing us your taxes and sending over some of the documents you’ve stonewalled on, right?


Sometimes I try to understand - really understand - how somebody becomes a “Sarah Sanders” and I always fail. I know money and power is part of the equation. But how does anyone choose to completely debase themselves with total loss of dignity and honesty and regard for others. This is obviously a rhetorical question - I just had to release some pent-up emotions today.


AT least you get it now. Good.


She feels that she’s on the winning team.