And he ordered the IRS to release all of Trump related tax returns in the interest of transparency to show he has no involvement with Russia. Just kidding!
The latest lash out.
File this one under “be careful what you wish for”. DOJ employees make take him literally.
The funny thing is that every time he pulls one of these stunts to make people look bad it indeed makes people look bad — him and his lackeys.
There is no OFF switch to the stable genius setting.
The White House claimed Trump is making these requests “for reasons of obstruction.”
I’d like to see all anti-Hillary texts sent by FBI agents during the campaign.
Based on the average demographic of Police agencies, there might just be one or two out there.
Certainly seems to be an effort to force Muellers hand to act quickly… and those perhaps shorten the window of value/threat that Manafort poses…
No doubt the texts will be heavily redacted to favor Trump and Carter Page and reflect badly on the FISA process. Also, isn’t the timing convenient? Remember Devin Nunes thought his release of redacted testimony to the House Intel Committee would be the blockbuster to distract from Trump’s troubles at the time (I forgot what they were, but with Trump, there’s always trouble.), and it didn’t quite work out as he hoped.
The beautiful thing about all this stuff is that it’s all whining about the Process.
“The cops had no right to go looking in my trunk for those dead hookers.”
Which may be true and all, but if there are no dead hookers in your trunk in the first place…
I think you’re overestimating the amount of thought he’s putting into this as a strategy. This is somewhere between “grasping at straws” and “blowing smoke” on the futility scale
It’s really quite amazing that orange moron can find so many ways to ignore talking about the government’s absence during Hurricane Florence. FEMA’s useless, PP doesn’t care about the natives even though they voted for him, but there are to date 23 less of them. But he’s retweeting info from govt. agencies. So it’s all good.
And do Rudy’s at the same time, to see the full conversation…maybe including some leaking of classified information.
Putin would love to take out Ohr.
Apparently, Donald is making the Republican Party fulfill Putin’s dream. Take out America’s foremost expert on the Russian mob.
It’s the new Republican Party.
Yeah, given the demographic maybe they can subpoena the telegrams they sent.
To be fair that’s the only wrong estimate you can make in that regard. You certainly can’t underestimate the thought involved. He’s so obsessed with conspiracies, and so mentally ill, that he looks into a meaningless Rorschach blot of texts and sees the clearest possible proof that it’s all a plot against him so unfair so unfair yessss precioussss gollum gollum. This has nothing to do with rational thought at all.
typo: "undermine his investigation " should be "undermine his administration "
Latest distraction.
I assume this is only an issue because Fox & Friends or Hannity made mention of it this morning.
Well I hope they refuse. Enough of this shit…