“Sorry, we’re just going to have to agree to disagree.”
Not on your ham hocking life.
Actually, the press doesn’t have to “agree to disagree”.
Nope. Sorry. Not by a long shot.
That’s why they record things…
Why the fuck do any of these people bother? No useful information comes out of these little fête à jardins’ that can’t be found on the WH web pages. This isn’t journalism. It’s enabling.
This woman is the most disagreeable, angry person on teevee these days. What the fuck is her problem? I get Kelly Anne, who is long in the tooth and in bed with Satan for so long she is an empty sack of skin, but why is Suckabee so damned mad all of the time?
Same reason. Satan has a long reach.
“We are the highest corporate taxed country in the developed economies across the globe.”
President Donald Trump incorrectly claims that America is “the highest taxed nation in the world.”
And the difference, here, is what? I am not an economics expert. What difference does it make to say “we are the highest taxed nation,” as opposed to “we are the highest taxed corporate nation?” The federal government doesn’t control state and local taxes, so if you take those out of this equation, what the hell is this entity saying? Thank you.
That made me laugh, thank you.
Administration officials wouldn’t have to parse what Trump says if he’d just mean what he says when he says it. Every presser I think of something I’d kill to have a journo pose Sanders:
“Sarah, has anyone in the White House suggested to President Trump he use words that align with the message he wants to convey? You know, say what he means and mean what he says?”
“We are the highest taxed nation in the world.” *
* Excludes Donald J. Trump since 1996.
Where does Trump think the money comes from to blow goddamned $750 billion a year, year after year, on the defense budget? If we’re the highest taxed developed economy on the planet it’s to feed the gaping maw of a DoD that consumes more cash than every other fricking military on the planet combined.
Yet after deductions most corps tax rates are in the teens or they dont pay any taxes at all…
“We are the highest taxed — corporate tax in the developed economy,” Sanders said. “That’s a fact.”
“But that’s not what the President said,” Yingst responded.
“That’s what he’s talking about,” Sanders replied. “We are the highest corporate taxed country in the developed economies across the globe.”
“So that’s accurate,” Yingst said. “But the President keeps repeating this claim that we are the highest taxed nation.”
Sanders began: “We are the highest taxed corporate nation, that’s—”
“That’s not what he said,” Yingst interrupted. “He said we are the highest taxed nation in the world.”
“The highest taxed corporate nation, that seems pretty consistent to me,” Sanders said, moving on. “
She’s giving you an opening, Trey.
Not. Even. Close.
The level of delusion in this administration is rapidly approaching “Ludicrous Speed!”
What is next? Is Trump going to sit in his Golf Cart in the surf at Mar-A-Lago and demand that the tide not come in?
(we can only hope)
Exactly. Trey and all the others need to write articles contrasting what she said and what Donald said. Side by side. Then make it clear Sanders went out of her way to say they are the same thing. Sum it up by pointing out the clear differences, backing it up with Websters Dictionary, Google, etc., and official numbers from the U.S. and other nations.
Point out the obvious lies to your readers and viewers, media.