Trump is the world center for fake news (lies and propaganda).
Trump is going to screw up and he will be impeached before he completes his 1st year in office…even Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan won’t be able to brush Trump’s illegitimacy and unlawful ways in the oval office.
Impeach and prosecute for Treason…Trump and Pence are working for Russia.
Except Trump loved Miller’s performance. I suppose Priebus was the one to push for the dead-eyed white supremacist not to give an encore, but once he’s out of the way…
They wanted someone younger, lean and hungry.
Two out of three is batting 1000, with how hard it is for the Trump team to hire—plus, she is VERY hungry.
Dude has lost his fucking mind! I hope his handlers are watching him closely. What would it take for them to have him declared mentally incompetent to be president. And this is a serious question, he really seems like he’s slipping over the edge with some of these tweets and not just trying to stir up his batshit crazy followers.
Don McGahn inquired with DOJ about getting a peek at that FISA warrant and when he was told pound sand they decided their go to man Devin Nunes could help them out,
Honest to God…‘no George, I don’t think he believes the FBI.’ Proof positive that the man and his peeps live in perfect paranoid isolation in the WH. And this stupid woman. ‘Many people are reporting it…’ No they are not. They are reporting that you folks are nuts. Period. It pretty sad how fast you people sold out your country and for what?
She passed the test
1.Desperate for a job
2.No ethical standards
3.Soul Previously sold
4.Lies with no conscience
5.Beyond embarrassement
6.Religeous , so Jebus can forgive the sins
What happened to the bodies of the previous spokespeople? The Huckabee boys ate them.
Did he? Or did Bannon? Sometimes it gets difficult to parse that out from anonymous sources.
I say this because…Miller is NOT telegenic. I have a hard time seeing Trump getting behind the idea of this guy being his regular face/voice to America. Trump lives in the superficial, and Miller was a failure in all departments there…bald, scrawny, lack of any personality, and not a particularly strong voice.
Let’s keep in mind that this is all an attempt to distract from the real story: The Trump campaign’s playing around with the Russians.
Keep your eye on the ball!
You left out the end of the conversation:
“You hang up.”
“No, YOU hang up.”
“No, YOU.”
“No YOU!.”
…at which point Ivanka came over, took the phone out of her father’s hand, and slammed the phone down…
The GOP has to be asking itself how much longer they are going to allow Trump to make the country spin needlessly over his delusions. There is going to be a delegation to the WH soon to discuss unauthorized weekend tweeting, etc. They don’t care if he is crazy, cruel and downright racist - but being completely out of control is an unforgivable sin and they are not going to tolerate it much longer. They have country destroying legislation to get passed here!
As an aside, thanks to our completely feckless media. 78% of respondents saw Trump’s speech last week as favorable and positive. That can only happen because the media as a whole fawned over his ability to read words from a teleprompter. What a fucking joke.
Trump Doesn’t Believe Comey Denial On Crazy Wiretapping Claim
Of course he doesn’t. Trump doesn’t believe anything that conflicts with his image of himself. He also doesn’t believe that he lost the popular vote. He also doesn’t believe that attendance at his inauguration was less than Obama’s.
Trump is simply deflecting as fast as he can. I’ve never seen a man in more dire need of a terrorist attack.
How can we when Trump, himself, keeps reminding us?
Strategic insanity.
Now even the criminals in the NY FBI field office have to be wondering when POS 45 will turn against them as well. And Comey is rapidly being backed into the “what the hell, I got nothing to lose by coming clean” corner.
Problem for Trump is, the attack will probably be one by his deranged racist, xenophobic, anti-Semitic, homophobic followers.
I’m guessing their blood triglyceride levels are high enough to make an endocrinologist gasp in awe.
Yeah, the thing is, Don McGahn even doing that requires investigation now. They are taunting Obstruction charges, when you start to combine that inquiry with Priebus trying to get the FBI to shutdown any investigations, and even leak false stories to help the President. This is some seriously brazen stuff.
He heard clicking, realized there were holes in his tinfoil hat, and Bannon whispered Deep State in his ear? Also, the alternate fact free reality he lives in.