You know, I was thinking that very thing myself. It seems like the regime trots out some new fool every week only to have them be treated as fools by the media.
Unfortunately for them, each one of these liars just comes off as a worse liar than the one before.
TRumpanzee has now definitively proved that he is less emotionally mature than his son Barron. Trumpanzee also truly believes his shit is ice cream. Ms.Huckabee Sanders added.
I find a study by Bianca E Bersani. I look her up – she’s a associate professor of sociology at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. Using numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, her study finds that about 17% of all first-generation immigrants who are age 16 have committed a crime in the past 12 months.
Step 5: But wait. Is that number high or low? I decide to find out how often native-born people in the US commit crimes. Luckily, her study has that too. It’s higher: about 25% of all native-born people in the US who are 16 have committed a crime in the past 12 months.
He got to first base with his peeps on this garbage so he’s hanging on. Bashing the black guy is as good with them as bashing the Russians used to be (funny that), so there are comments today that for sure Huckabee Sanders is right and yeah, of course Obama needs to be investigated – he used the IRS to go after people, didn’t he? Didn’t he???
Not so many comments like that. Our side is carrying the day. But if it’s Obama, the forgotten people feel sure they can rattle their delusions round and stand on the high ground.
Trump struggles to find people willing to accept his nominations for deputy positions, but pulls in every clown, ex-con, and masochist to appear on television just like the gas giant he is.
@ralph_vonholst A friend of mine was in Chicago over the weekend and rode an elevator with a weight limit of “1200 lbs, no more than 3 people”.
When do they trot out the corpse of KAC for a grand flourish before the final curtain comes down? Jake Tapper is dying to have her on STFU. Jeff Zucker said they’d send a car.
They live in what I call the “Ranch Belt”, which covers a wide—and I do mean WIDE—swatch of the middle of the US, from South to North.
This is the region where ranch dressing goes on everything, including chocolate cake, and where a “salad” is a milkshake like concoction of ranch dressing, a few small leaves of iceberg, “cheddar” cheese and 1/2 cup of bacon bits.
As I said on another thread, KC is used up, she has zero credibility with the press. So they are now trying to find a replacement. Miller was a disaster, and while you and I and most of the thinking world would think Huckabee was a disaster too, viewed through Trump’s eyes, she probably did ok. Unless she starts taking on massive amounts of criticism/mockery. Which she is hoping starts, so she can play the victim card and push back hard…that’s what Trump likes.
So she is basically auditioning for Conway’s job, her actual job, not the one she wanted, which is to be chief surrogate on the talk shows and interviews.