Discussion: WH: Sarah Sanders Will Hold A Briefing 'When She Finds A Reason To Do That'

I know. I wasn’t being snarky, it’s true. hahaha

Well I just read that he’s throwing down the gauntlet on the SOTU. He’s sent a letter to the Sargeant at Arms of the House about a walk through.

The Bros. Grimm aren’t writing horror stories anymore, either.


But this is admitting defeat on this particular battleground …

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Once again…our tax dollars at work.


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“It doesn’t necessarily mean Sarah Sanders needs to be at this podium every day when the President himself is talking to the American people.”

I believe, we the American people are being talked at not to, to me there is a distinction.


I’ll take door #2. The sooner the better.


She can’t take the heat so she’s staying out of the kitchen and the restaurants.

White House reporters agree that Sander’s statement seems fair and agree to attend the next press brief “when they find a reason to do that.”

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Sarah, you will never have Ann Coulter’s or Dana Loesch’s slash and burn mean girl superpowers.

You’ll forever be known as a surly, dyspeptic troll.


You forgot the part about her also being a spiteful, hateful, cowardly, blatantly lying troll.


“It’s not that they’ve ever stopped,” Gidley asserted. “It’s just that sometimes we see a need to come to the podium and communicate things, and sometimes we don’t. A lot of the times when we don’t come to the podium, it’s because the President has addressed the American people himself.”

“I mean, he’s the most accessible president in history, and most of the media in this room will tell you that,” he added. “It doesn’t necessarily mean Sarah Sanders needs to be at this podium every day when the President himself is talking to the American people.”


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“It’s not that they’ve ever stopped,” Gidley asserted.

“It’s just that we’re not doing them anymore.”

Thanks for the clarification.


That’s because I didn’t want to flatter her.


OT – but speaking of the press. I just watched my local news and you know when they have those short packages from the national news to address some national topic?..Well, in this case it was from ABC, with a reporter falsely stating that the State of the Union address is scheduled for Jan. (can’t remember the date she gave but it was the original date first offered). The reporter unequivocally reported this as fact and stated the date. Then she said that it was just a matter of whether or not Nancy Pelosi would un-invite President tRump and prevent that from happening. This reporting was so bad I almost had to do a double take because 1) The State of the Union was cancelled for that Jan. date, 2) Pelosi already sent tRump a letter saying it was inappropriate to have it in the House of Rep. while there was a shutdown going on for a number of very good reasons.

I’m gonna try to find it on the local news website but wow…just wow. I expect bullshit like that from Faux news packages that end up local news but, ABC? Fuck that.

Someone should really monitor what is getting passed off to the public at the local level 'cause it ain’t pretty or accurate. Not sure how that could be accomplished but there is a lot of propagandizing going on that national cable news or nightly news never reports.

There’s even a political commercial lately I’ve seen that promotes tRump and McTurtle’s judicial nominees in a partisan manner (from McConnell’s PAC, I think) directly blaming the Dems and asking the public to have Dems stop blocking them and vote for them. Dems have absolutely no ability to block those judicial nominees in the Senate. Rs only need a simple majority. That’s how Mitch has been appointing a lot of judges under the radar from the beginning. He’s also been running roughshod getting them voted in and confirmed in short order before anyone is the wiser. Its atrocious.


When does Hogan Gidley get his own spokesperson?

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So, another employee who does nothing....wasn't Donald going to drain the swamp of all those useless bureaucrats?

Maybe a Sinclair station?


Hell, most of us have been begging the national media to stop attending these worthless lie-fests.

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No. It was WZZM and its owned by Tegna Inc., a Gannett spin-off.


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