Discussion: WH Hasn't Ruled Out Putin Offer That Would Target Ex-Ambassador McFaul


You know, if this isn’t motherfucking treasonous, then there is no such thing.


I don’t mean this in an argumentative way,but what would be wrong with That? If that’s how we are able to question,possibly arrest people,that committed ,quite literally,an attack upon us wouldn’t it be prudent to go with it?

Yep, sounds like treason to me too.


Why don’t we ask Our Friend Putin to send the Novichok and we will use it on Browder and McFaul ourselves? That would be friendly, wouldn’t it?


Just when it seems Trump et al have gone about as low as they can, they dig new depths…

Trump is actually considering throwing US citizens to the Putin wolves??? What possible reason would there be for example to somehow (and I don’t know how this could actually work…) “force” Ambassador McFaul to speak with Russian agents - scum known to find new and unusual ways to do away with the inconvenience of unwanted individuals…

I am looking forward to seeing McFaul on Rachel and/or Lawrence tonight to see his reaction to this…


This should’ve been a no brainer for SHS. The answer should have been emphatic that no Trump would never consider offering up a former Ambassador to the Russians or any American to the Russians for “questioning.” Tom NIchols says it better than me.


Just a little background: the Magnitsky Act sanctions that prohibit movement of some sources of russian money into the US are named for one Sergei Magnitsky, who was beaten to death in a russian prison. Magnitsky was a forensic accountant employed by Bill Browder during Browder’s suit in a russian court over a financial scandal where his company was involuntarily liquidated.


What the actual fuck???


But she obviously can’t because that would fly in the face of Mr. Trump’s wishes.

Just in case anyone did not know, Putin has Mr. Trump cowering. Of course he will take Putin’s “deal” if there is no intervention.

Putin is a strongman. He is going to see just how far he can push this. Are the Republicans that should check this a bunch of idiots? Apparently so.


What the ever-lovin’ fuck?

I can’t even…

Does anyone — anyone — think this idiot didn’t hand over the keys to the White House to Putin when they met on Monday?


Putin needs to figure out who our intelligence contacts are so that he can have them killed.

Interviewing us is how he finds out


Are you bonkers? They want to shut McFaul up because he knows far too much about how Russia works and Putin KILLS his adversaries and critics.


This piece is not subtle. Selling out of U.S. diplos and former diplos would cross more lines than we can draw.

  1. Putin is not going to allow us to arrest his GRU agents, ever.

  2. Putin is proposing that we allow his spies to run around the DOJ, FBI, NSA, and CIA, and get a good look at our top secret practices and methods of getting information about what Russia is doing.

  3. Putin is KGB. He lies for a living.

  4. Putin murders people with whom he disagrees or whom he sees as a threat to him in any way. People like Michael McFaul and Bill Browder.


Speaking of treason, this is a Susan Rice quote from that article:

the lack of commitment to protecting McFaul was “beyond outrageous. Amb. McFaul served our country honorably and with full diplomatic immunity. If the White House cannot defend and protect our diplomats, like our service members, they are serving a hostile foreign power not the American people.”


To @deanmasse: What would be wrong with a “joint investigation” of the 12 spies? First, it would give the Russians (and by extension their client, the Dotard) access to Mueller’s strategy and work product. Second, it’s totally uneccessary. Mueller’s team did an incredibly thorough investgation and found enough to warrant indictment. What would be the benefit of asking Putin to confirm that? Are you seriously suggestin ng this could happen? Third, Putin knows exactly what the 12 guys did. He directed them to do it. He has no reason to “investigate” his own actions.

I could go on with reasons 4 through at least 20 why this is a really, really bad idea. But you get the picture.


Count me in, Rep. Swalwell.


With “patriots” like Donald Trump … who needs traitors?


The real question is “How far will the White Nationalist Party allow Trump to go with Putin?” Is there a segment of the US that would rather hand us over to a white savior like Putin rather than ever see a Black president again?