Discussion: WH Economist: Fed Workers Actually 'Better Off'

Putting aside the shit sandwich this guy is trying to sell, this is the best they have? Really, where are all the congress people? Where are all the Republican “stars” going to bat for their dear leader? This is slim pickins.


It was crap, all right, but far from holy. :wink:


O that’s why I said I was leaning toward re-education camps. I’m with the trees too.


That’s the big kicker. I was in a couple of the earlier ones. 2013 worked out in my favor, I had just departed on a planned trip, so did end up with the free vacation after all. Later ones, though, we had as short as a 2-hour recall window to get back to the office. Ridiculous. Couldn’t plan or do anything.


This is just incredibly insensitive and mean spirited, just like the Trumper.


Never doubted it, milady…


And when you’re done with that, could you please rake the surrounding area?


I took Regents courses and teachers didn’t add that info, but I remember learning that slavery was WRONG.

As I got older, I became more appalled at the notion of people being ripped from their countries and families, free no longer. Horrifying. Absolutely horrifying.

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Personally, I’d just cut to the chase. Fuck this.


The Ronco Home Circumcision Kit.

But wait - there’s more! Order within the next 15 minutes…


Sorry, my rake has been furloughed…


It’s Joshua Tree. Plenty of cactus. Just stake the folks out over a cactus bed in the middle of summer. Make sure to keep them well hydrated, wouldn’t want them to get off too easily.

He just crapped his pants and it felt good.


All up for more pressure on McConnell.

DitchMitch campaign is warming up.

text from email that came today:

Mitch McConnell: “I’m going to be running for re-election in 2020. I don’t like starting late.”

Washington is broken. And Mitch McConnell broke it.

For 34 years, Mitch McConnell has been in the Senate, and when you
look at how he’s spent his time there, it’s no wonder some people want
term limits.

Mitch’s tenure in the Senate has been a stain on our democracy and on
our society. He’s put personal gain and partisan politics first. He’s
sided with the NRA. Looted Medicare and Social Security to give yet
another tax cut to the rich. Tried to gut our health care. And don’t
even get us started on Merrick Garland.

In 2020, Mitch McConnell is up for reelection, and now he’s confirming that he’s running for another 6 year term.

America can’t afford another 6 minutes of McConnell, let alone
another 6 years. That’s why we created Ditch Mitch, a brand new group
solely dedicated to defeating Mitch McConnell.

Mitch is wasting no time getting ready for 2020, and we can’t either.
We’ve set a goal of raising another $10,000 this week to fund our
efforts, but right now we are still $2,044 short.

If you’re as ready as we are to Ditch Mitch, then click here right
now and make a contribution of whatever amount you can afford. Every
dollar will go directly to ensure that Mitch McConnell never wins an
election ever again.

We can defeat Mitch McConnell in 2020, and we can do it with
grassroots energy and grassroots donations. Mitch is the most unpopular
senator in the entire country. An overwhelming 52% of voters in Kentucky
disapprove of him, so he can be beat.

But you know as well as we do that Mitch is going to have Big Oil,
Big Pharma, Wall Street, and the gun lobby bankrolling his reelection.
So if we’re going to be successful, we have to get started now.

That’s why we’ve set a goal of raising another $10,000 this week to
jumpstart our efforts, and we’re counting on grassroots donors like you
to help us hit it.

Can you make a contribution now of whatever you can afford to help us
raise another $2,044, hit our $10,000 weekly goal, and defeat Mitch
McConnell in 2020 and Ditch Mitch?

Get ready, Mitch. We’re coming.

The Ditch Fund

Paid for by Ditch Fund and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Ditch Fund
PO Box 15320
Washington, DC 20003
Contributions or gifts to Ditch Fund are not tax deductible.


Yes, I know about that drawn and quartered stuff. Hey, I’m good with that.


1984 with a smile. There should be a fucking national strike and bring it all to a freeze till they impeach this fuck head.


Well if things get bad enough with a long drawn out shutdown, I guess we’ll have to start feeding the homeless to the hungry or something like that.

The beautiful simplicity of the plan, though, is that two serious social problems can be solved at one and the same time. Sounds like a real solution to homelessness and hunger.

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I’m glad he blew up that clown’s head. It always disturbed me for some reason, but then clowns have always creeped me out.

But I have always wanted one of those “Big Boy” statues to put in my front yard, though. That’s an American icon, dammit!



Lucky duckies, every one of them!

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