Discussion: WH Economist: Fed Workers Actually 'Better Off'

Kevin Hassett in 1850: The slaves are enjoying the nice sunny weather, fitness regime and three squares a day. We even allow the occasional conjugal visit when the master gets tired.


Sorry, I’m with the tree’s. They’re worth far more than the jackwads that are cutting them down.
Thin the deplorable gene pool stat.

Like the Lorax we speak for the trees, but often the trees speak to us.


Although I changed my opinion of FLOTUS Barb Bush after her death; Anyone recall her cringeworthy “you have it pretty good” to a Katrina refugee lying on a cot in the middle of a Houston stadium. Clueless I thought.

Then I read that she visited a hospital and held an AIDS baby in her arms without a second thought. The Reagan’s would not even acknowledge the disease.

RIP Barb.

Now this guy, on the other hand, can go f**k himself.


I did that in high school. Wasn’t much fun at all. Especially the two times we got robbed.

Although I did get a laugh that time my friend blew up the clown’s head with a cherry bomb.


A “vacation” from working. A “vacation” from eating. A “vacation” from having good credit. A “vacation” from sleeping at night.


Especially those in KY so they can have a word with their senator who is refusing to do his job.


Also, many are very restricted in what jobs they can take to try to bring in some cash in the meantime. At least some – maybe all, I don’t know – are forbidden by conflict-of-interest rules from taking outside jobs that are in the same field as their federal job. That would likely eliminate just about anything except something that was a minimum-wage job. And in any event, it would have to be something they could drop immediately if they were called back to work.


This clown, with the Howdy Doody face, spread saccharine on shit and thinks we’re going to eat it.


Still can’t believe Trump hired the Dow 36,000 guy as his chair of the CEA.


I grew up in NYS where our very informed Regents history teachers included the “benefits of slavery” information just to show the class that this stuff existed at the time.


because he’s an idiot.


There really does need to be a reckoning for these people. I for one am volunteering to knit by the guillotine…


Says an “economist” who has never heard of interest, late fees or opportunity costs. Any decent economist would get out the horsewhip.


They always look exactly like we expect


And, and – with no income they don’t have to pay taxes!! What lucky ducks!


Well that’s all well and good you stupid nimrod providing that you don’t live paycheck to paycheck. You call yourself an ‘economist’??? WTF?


Well this moron looks just like a fuckin idiot.


Funny thing.

The #1 reason for revocation of security clearances is… Financial Problems.

Which can lead to people getting fired from their job if it requires one.

So we’re likely looking at Fed employees who haven’t been getting a paycheck, and won’t be getting a paycheck in the future.

Wonder how Mr. Economist thinks THAT’S better off.


This implies you are thinking “guillotine”. Seems too good, somehow.

At that same time the Britain’s “Bloody Code” had “burning at the stake” still on the books though, as well as being “hanged, drawn and quartered”.

Burning was reserved for women, but perhaps a milquetoast like this could be shoe-horned in.

Being “hanged, drawn and quartered” is not quite what it sounds like. “Drawing” actually came first, it means being drawn along behind a mule, forcing you to walk shackled, so no cushy tumbrel rides for you! Hanging did not necessarily mean “hanged until dead” men might be “half hanged” before being cut down. But “quartering” means disemboweling the possibly still living body then cutting it into four pieces up as you might expect, though we do not have detailed descriptions of exactly how this was done, and may have varied over time.

CORRECTION: I made a mistake above (I left it as is). When being “drawn” you were behind a mule or horse, in chains, but you were not walking usually. You were being dragged on the ground, often while things were thrown at you.

We missed you, my snarky friend.

SigNeD, a GRAteful LiBtard

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