All the best people.™
The damage Trump and McConnell are doing to the courts will take two generations to undo.
s the former Louisiana senator infamous for admitting to the “serious sin” of soliciting a prostitute. Wearing diapers
This is a load off her mind, having been filled up with worry over the mess her confirmation has caused over the last few years. Libs tried to dump her, but she remained fresh throughout the ordeal. The slate has been wiped clean!
What did she say about her husbands’s mistress’ abortion? Did she demand the “baby” be born?
Yes, the article did not address some of the more salacious details.
Someone should send her a gift of Huggies to celebrate her judgeship.
She sounds nice.
Upon news of her confirmation she proclaimed, "After years of letting David do it to me, now I am taking charge in the task of publicly humiliating myself.
And a but Fuck You to TPM for headlining an ANTI_CHOICE conservative as “pro-life.”
Seriously, Josh, FUCK OFF.
Wow anti abortion and integration! I’m surprised she believes in women judges.I blame her working outside of the home for her husband’s infidelity.
In attacking Bill Clinton over Monica, Wendy Vitter said if her husband ever cheated on her she would castrate him. My question is, did she and does she still think castration is the proper penalty for a person cheating on their spouse.
Wendy Vitter FORCED BIRTH wife of…
It’s long past time we stopped misidentifying these folks who are only pro pre-life and dont give two sh#ts about the woman’ s circumstances before birth nor those of mother and child after the fact
Is she going to be any worse than Gorsuch or Kavanaugh?
It boggles the mind to think that was possible.
For Bill yes.
Yes, and she famously berated Hillary Clinton for not “cutting the balls off of Bill” for having an affair, then, when her Husband got caught transporting Prostitutes across state lines (from New Orleans to Washington DC) for the purpose of Prostitution (a Federal FELONY) she stood, silently and stone-faced next to “her husband” while he stated that “Jesus has forgiven me”.
On top of that, the Prostitutes specialized in “Diaper Play” (google it, I won’t go into it here. Icky) and Vitter was rumored to have held “Diaper Parties” with other prominent Republican Legislators, organized by the “DC Madam” who DIED prior to her trial on Prostitution and Soliciting (supposedly of Suicide.) Her “little black book” was never made public and “supposedly” disappeared after she died.
Vitter was never even CHARGED with anything, and walked away, even getting re-elected to the Senate afterwards.
I’ll give you one guess who was Attorney General at the time…Alberto Gonzalez, Bush the Lesser’s Personal Lawyer.
Vitter, who works as an attorney for the Catholic Archdiocese in New Orleans,
This is all you have to know. Plus, the Vitters have four kids so Wendy, against her better judgement, let David doodle her on four separate occasions. And she still holds it against him till this very day. That is David’s problem IMHO.