Could be what gets him disqualified from the nomination. Food for thought…
Nah, on one count Trump is correct, he could literally gun someone down on Fifth Avenue and still get the nomination. The way our court system works he could complete a term before the jury pool was formed.
Next up: “Send us money quick!!! Obama is abusing his power as POTUS to persecute and prosecute our campaign, totally politicizing the enforcement of FEC regulations on behalf of Clinton!!!”
Honestly, it would not surprise me in the slightest to find out that these emails to foreign gov’t officials were intended to bait the FEC into action so they could enhance their martyrdom street cred.
Since Manafart took over, things are going off the rails even more!!!
Unless Trump’s computers have attained a previously unseen level of sentience (we’re gonna make computing great again, really great), you can’t really say “It’s not clear whether the Trump campaign purposefully sent the emails to foreign members of parliament.” How is it possible to accidentally email a whole Parliament?
Is there any government agency with less of a bite than the FEC?
Hey, look at the bright side. As president, he would send out 1040 forms to people all over the world. All those sources of new revenue. I wonder if they have been translated into Icelandic.
How’s the FEC doing on ole Bernie and his over-the-limit, and foreign contributions? Doesn’t he have to return them? I guess the “news blackout” the Bernsters complain about is real, the deadline for Sanders to respond with a plan was two weeks ago, and I’ve not heard a peep.
The FDA. They still haven’t got me my money back from that damned Enzyte scam a few years back. My Sea Monkeys mock me.
Did any of his national security briefing info find its way into emails to people in other governments? There ought to be a Congressional investigation to determine the extent to which he has put national security at risk.
I think the “knowing” thing is what will get him off. And he will get away with this. He’ll say they did not know, or his son did not know he could not do this. It won’t be asked why he’s campaigning as a nativist but panhandling folks all over the world. He won’t be asked if why the country should consider him for such high office if he’s capable of a screw up like this. It was a mistake…sorry 'bout that and off we go.
Also, it may be part of a search for an “honorable” exit. Better loose the nomination due to breaking their wimpy PC rules, than to be confirmed as a looser by a landslide lose at the polls.
What does that sentence even mean? And why would the TPM reporter gratuitously add it? Weak journalism.
More thinking, maybe it provides the cover to pull some shenanigans at the convention. In Arizona, there is a joke that you’ll go out of your way to stand in the shade of a twig during the summer. I think that’s near enough cover for some of these guys who are looking to oust him.
Hate to admit it, but I think you’re right. If the FEC doesn’t really kick them in the groin over this, it will be the beginning of another push to “normalize” this type of behavior. Despicable.
Drumpf: “First I’ve heard of it. We’ll look into that. I’ll get back to you.”
How can you folks be so dumb?
When Herr Trump becomes President, he will take over the world and there will be no such thing as a foreign country.
Personal server? PAC coordination? and my personal favorite the cat hit the wrong button.
We are hearing from govt. officials only? Or did he mass-mail to citizens, as well?
And is he now going to separate and send back contributions from foreigners? This could be a problem if it is properly pursued.
Trump could always funnel foreign contributions through Jonnie Williams. Apparently any largesse for any reason from Williams is A-OK with the highest court in the land.