Dump will blame it on John Barron.
Great, so now Trump is expected to follow a bunch of politically correct campaign laws.
“Donald Trump should have known better,”
Rules are obviously for chumps and losers. Not a winner like Drumpy…
I think I read that DTJR.is in charge of this.
The complaint from the two watchdog groups notes that elected officials in Iceland, Scotland, Britain and Australia have received the emails.
b-cuz the tRump campaign only spams those in English speaking countries. No Chinee, Messycun or Mooslim speaking countries allowed…
But, but, but…
It’s not clear whether the Trump campaign purposefully sent the emails to foreign members of parliament.
I call BULLSHIT ON THAT! How the hell are they gonna weasel their way out of that nonsense. It really takes gall to pretend that’s what happened. I don’t buy that for a fucking minute…but as usual, the media will make this the most important caveat because…both sides or some such shit.
It’s about time. Now will the F E C do anything? Not holding my breath
Better question is…how corrupt do our elections have to be before anyone does a fucking thing about them??? It went off the rails a long time ago and it just gets worse every election…and now this.
Got one large bag of dicks here for you to eat, Drumpf. Raw and no sauce. Dig in, you fucking disgrace. There’ll be more where that came from, for the rest of your miserable existence.
And, don’t think the FEC is the only agency that is receiving complaints. International law enforcement agencies are getting personal communications to audit not only you, but everyone you contacted to observe any and all financial transactions. FBI, IRS, Scotland Yard … any and all I personally can think of.
I think I’d prefer that they hold off on this a bit… it’s too early…
Now, if Trump got, say, a couple more months in to send out several dozen more rounds of emails… let the story grow and grow for a while longer… then pop that ballon in, say, late summer, early September… now that would be an effective kick in the balls, methinks. Let these buffoons douse themselves in gasoline a bit longer…
Well, thank you, Paul S. Ryan!
CNN seems to have joined the Trump campaign operation. Maybe persons on their staff are responsible for the snafu.
Campaign finance law prohibits campaigns from knowingly accepting or soliciting contributions from foreign nationals.
If the campaign laws usually include the word “knowingly,” the Trump campaign should be home free, no matter what it does. There’s no evidence that it ever has a clue about what it’s doing.
Or that intern.
This kills the Drumpf.
What amazes me about this whole screw up is that it seems that TPM is the only news source that thought it was worth reporting on. I guess that everyone else just assumes that DT will be involved in crude shake down ploys.
With numerous solicitations to multiple nations’ lawmakers, there really should be no question that Trump’s campaign knowingly broke the law – but I’m not holding my breath here. Cynical, I know, but I’m a realist. Sad that I actually feel this way, but I do. I really hope the FEC socks it to the Trump campaign with the maximum fines possible.
well he did say Mexicans were going to pay for the wall.