Discussion: WATCH: The Jon Stewart Ferguson Segment You've Been Waiting For

Fox sells propeganda, not information. A billionaire paying millionaires to convince the poor and gulliable to vote against their own self interests. And always conniving their viewership into believing it’s really the blacks who are racists.


Fox News is just part of the Everlasting Circle Jerk of Smug Right Wing Assholes. They will never ever stop fapping each other’s bigotry and misplaced pride, nor will they ever get tired of race-baiting, lies, and bullshit moral panics.

The best we can do is take a big shit on everything they say as if it is despicable, disgusting, and pathetic. Not hard to do: they are the exemplars of that and more.


I’m sorry, Plucky. I know that must have hurt.


And they go the input of Mark Fuhrman, formerly of the LAPD - disgracefully discharged for racism, on RACE? Fox is flat out a racist parade.


This is why the Fox idjets foam at the mouth when they talk about Stewart. They try to demean him for being a mere comic, and they slam his writers and show and try to pee all over it and then say “oh ignore him, he’s beneath us” and they. just. can’t.

Because the truth is like water.

Stay tuned for a series of “Jon Stewart is worthless” segments from the usual suspects.


They are delivering the goods to a willing thrall. Nobody FORCES Fox audiences to tune in a gun point. The problem is not with Fox, per se, they are a money making machine. The problem is the audience that fuels Fox and their outrageous content. If nobody tuned in there would be no Fox.


Between Stewart and Oliver’s two takes on this I can’t think of anything left to cover.

They should be required viewing for everyone.


He is most definitely in that mold, though he isn’t the reporter some of those others were (not meant as a dig, that’s not what his show does). However is important to understand that our Murrow HAS to be on Comedy Central because no ‘legitimate’ news source would ever allow him to hold a position where his views could be made clear.

Murrow wouldn’t be allowed in our world. He was too good at making the right people uncomfortable.


In case you didn’t see it, here’s Oliver’s take.

Also spot on.


Happened to see 30 seconds of O’Reilly last night because my hubby has been monitoring it (brave man; I’ll have to monitor him now).
I have never seen such open racial hatred on a human face as Billo showed in those 30 seconds.
What a despicable individual.
What a despicable network.
What a despicable Ailes.


I truly do agree with most of what you say here, but I will make a sematic quibble about the term “white privilege”. It is a fundamentally false phrase. Not being discriminated against, not being viewed with inherent mistrust, not being viewed as a “thug”, etc., is not a “privilege” that white people have. Those are things all people have as an inherent right. That it is being denied people in our society because of their skin color, or their ethnicity is the issue, and the failing of our society (and a good number of people within it, typically white, that fail to view others they way they should want themselves to be viewed).


Faux is also a powerful political weapon that is aimed straight at the heart of democracy. Intentionally.


Yes, much as I viewers are manipulated, Faux viewers seem to LIKE what they hear, or at least be unable to pick up on the meanness behind the reasonable-sounding bigotries and casual meanness. Faux has tapped into the energy in the cesspool of our national subconscious.

found a link to send to others

Everything that Fox does is a form of seduction. Call them a Fox Fatalle. Some of us that live in a reality basis are immune to their bullshit, are actually deeply and profoundly offended by it. But they KNOW their audience, and they know what they want to hear–and in the process, they can obtain both political power to advance their agenda, as well as gobs of capital on top of it. But you have to look at the underlying engine that they are leveraging–and that is the psychology of those that hunger to tune in for more more more of the same. The viewers are getting something very important out of the experience–some deep seated psychological need is being titillated. Now–the big questions is–where do these fools come from, and how do they get created in the first place? And how can we break this cycle of nonsense peddled by an evil oligarchy?


Thank God Jon is on the case!! His rants are sooooooo affective at bringing change.

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Like having Grampy Insane on every other weekend (and Mizz Lindzee on the off-weekends) is a solution?

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Oh yes, I have been waiting for this. I don’t know what to think until I hear from Jon Stewart.

So, basically, you’re saying you want the FCC regulatory scheme that existed in this country from the advent of radio broadcasting until the 1980s when Reagan appointees redefined “serve the public interest” to mean “spew any kind of ‘content’ into the air whatsoever and through the Miracle of Free Markets, the public interest is served!”


I feel for you Plucky because I think your generation honestly thought things would be getting better. Having lived through as much stuff in this country as I have, I’ve never wasted a thought that things would improve in my life time. It really is not going to happen. Unless, as Oprah says, it dies off.

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