Discussion: WATCH: The Jon Stewart Ferguson Segment You've Been Waiting For

I doubt it. Evil mostly wins. I love the sentiment though.

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You and your cousin are welcome in my home any time. Just call first so I can straighten up a little.


Good bit on putting down FOX NOISE

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And the brown, and the red, and the mixed and the “aint like us.”

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It makes me happy to know that O’Reilly and Hannity tune in to The Daily Show, even if just to grab material in their attempts to refute. They’re hacks and paid propagandists, but I don’t believe they’re necessarily stupid people (Okay, Hannity maybe, but O’Reilly has at least demonstrated the ability to research a topic). Even if you lean right, I can’t imagine watching a bit like this and not at least see the sheer difference in optics between the Ferguson issue and what they’re going through and then compare it to a bunch lily-white blondes and frat boys bitching and whining about goddamned nativity scenes of all stupid shit. They have to see the contrast here, I’d hope. Fox News literally is just a bunch of privileged whites whining about the most petty things. It’s pathetic. Bonus points for shutting down the “why isn’t Al Sharpton doing anything about Chicago violence” bullshit.


Is this John Oliver? I hardly recognize this.

I have loved TDS for years and years, but devoting more than 6 minutes to something is really unusual. And this was very well-executed, so I hope to see them come out swinging again instead of paying homage to false equivalencies to soften the blows.


Agreed, but the news business is a business, more so nowadays than ever. The TV networks are generally owned by publicly traded companies (NBC by Comcast, CBS by Viacom, ABC by Disney, etc.) and the shareholders expect all business units to contribute to the profits. Low ratings = less money you can charge advertisers = less profit.

It’s unfortunate, but that’s how it goes.

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Bbbbuuutt…JON! FUX News assures us, and they have the five Cons on the SCOTUS to back them up, that there is NO racism in America anymore, and race had nothing to do with Ferguson!!!

Besides, as anyone knows, the real systemic discrimination in Murrika’ is all against white Christians___especially old white wealthy conservative Christian men! Bless their Compassionate Conservative ‘Blinder and Gentile’ hearts.


"After all, when Sean Hannity gets a speeding ticket, he just politely informs the officer of his concealed weapon permit and lets the cop know he’s carrying. You know, as a courtesy."

Hmmmmm…I had InsHannity pegged for being more of a “Do you know who I am?” kinda guy.

You know, a total f*cking dick.

On second thought, I’m correct either way!


Hannity tonight on FOX: “Liberals like Stewart are the real racists for pointing out to me that racism still exists.”

Tea Potty Putzes and FOXbots: “That’s rite’!” ~applause!~

FOX: “We Distort: You Comply!”


Very moving. Worth listening through right to the very end.

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Sorry stinker, classic low information reply. Ratings are not the bar by which we judge everything. You also might want to research who goes on TDS before you open you mouth.

Tis better to be though a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

The funniest part to me is the one where Hannity says he sometimes gets out of the car and lifts his shirt to show the officer he has a concealed weapon. Lifting your shirt to show you have a gun would be absolutely perceived as a threat to just about everyone. It’s pretty much asking for suicide by cop.


I would venture to guess that the ratings for TDS may be better than MTP - just a guess, and I’m too lazy to look it up.

And, I don’t care what they do to the format; if they don’t get away from the same talking gasbags they have on over and over there will be no possible format that will improve the ratings. Well, maybe some kind of death cage matchup with McCain and Graham versus Pelosi and Reid - that might give the ratings a boost, but I don’t think they’d go for it.

As has been pointed out by others, TDS seems to be able to get conservatives and other assorted idjits on as guests, usually when they have a book to flog but not always. If you have the ratings, they will come…


Leave it to Jon Stewart to speak truth to the dim-wit likes of Billo. I am quite sure Billo still does not get it.


Your cousin would probably make my friends nervous too. We’re not to welcoming of slacks =P


Ditto that!

We’re not all idiots, but a disturbingly high percentage need to get out more - a lot more.

Liberal is just a label after all. And as always, actions speak louder than words.


The truth is there are a lot of idiot liberals (I’m one sometimes no doubt), and there are a lot of really intelligent conservatives. I’m not a fan of the “we’re all the smart people, and they are all the idiots” attitude from either side.


Don’t know why in the world I used that word. It always creeps me out. It’s almost as bad as saying “moist”.

Shawn, like all us white folk, know that most white people have some level of prejudice against blacks. What I don’t understand is why he and so many white folks keep acting like everyone, white and black, doesn’t know this and making stupid statements about how blacks folks are just making up stories that they have it harder.