Discussion: WATCH: Rachel Maddow, Santorum Go Head-To-Head Over Gay Marriage

Discussion for article #238670

Technically, Santorum may be right. Congress can pass unconstitutional laws if they want, they just won’t survive legal challenge. So, he proposing that Congress waste time and the taxpayer’s money. Great idea.


Man what a prick this guy is.

I wholeheartedly despise Maddow, but on this one she is right on the money.

How can anyone not like Rachel? Every time I watch her show I come away thoroughly educated on at least one topic, which in my opinion is what the media should be all about. But, yeah, Rick Santorum is a jerk.


Don’t you just love it when a guy who couldn’t pass a middle school social studies exam decides he wants to run for president?


Santorum reminds me of a “Anal Hemorrhoid!”
Every 3 years or so Santorum appears and is nothing more than a big pain in the arse!


But a very Republican idea.

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What a surprise.


In a very technical, but unlikely way, he is right. Congress has passed laws which have contradicted past Supreme Court decisions, and the Court has overturned the previous decisions in that case; however, that happening is actually less likely than a Constitutional Amendment being passed by Congress and the right number of states, and it has never occurred with regards to a fundamental right like marriage; because, the courts almost always strike it down before it gets to the Supreme Court and then the Supreme Court almost always refuses to hear such a case due to it being considered settled law.

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Santorum, another Grumpy Old Party boob who doesn’t understand how government works. All he knows is the way he WISHES Government would work. That alone is substantial reason for keeping this man as far away from public office as is possible in future.
I’m tempted to say that remedial Civics classes ought to be amended to the Constitutional requirements for the election of Senators, and for elected members of the House as well.
But after having seen how the GOP runs what they consider a Government, I would not ask any of them to amend so much as a grocery list. Keep them away from the poor, tattered Constitution if you want to have any scrap of it left to maintain the illusion of liberty.


In fact, they do it all the time. In fact Section 3 of DOMA was just such a law. However, it was struck down, at least in part, because Congress has no constitutionally granted authority to regulate or define marriage, meaning that this a power reserved to the states. Section 2 of DOMA, which provides that no state shall be required to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states, however, has not been ruled unconstitutional because the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the Constitution specifically gives Congress the power to define how acts of one state shall affect another. The recent ruling makes it moot, however, since no state can avail itself of this Congressional authorization without running afoul of the 14th Amendment.


It’s delightful to see Rachel put this ass in the meat grinder and turn the crank very slow!


Why do you despise Maddow?
Let me guess, she’s a gay woman who is light-years ahead of you in intelligence!


Don’t bother with him. It’s just Beej threadjacking again. Just let it go.


“You’re fundamentally wrong on civics,”

My favorite part of that interview. It’s scary beyond all reason that someone so incredibly ignorant on how government works (and just ignorant in general) was allowed in congress.

I really think the constitution needs to be amended so that any politician running for office is required to pass a civics test.


Makes one wonder about the people who elected him.

Well, he is right that the Court could change its mind, but he is wrong that the branches can decide what is Constitutional. They can say it, they can even have experts tell them if it is by precident but they do not get the final say.

The stuff about people being gay that now are not is questionable. Many such people, when interviewed, still have attraction to individuals of the same sex. Just because they sort of gave in to be “normal” and married a woman does not mean that they are straight exactly. It is just a sad scenario for both people to be living like that.


Brings a pea shooter to a gun fight…lol


True, but that is still the Court changing itself, the Congress can only pass the law and see where the dart lands. It would be a shot in the dark. By the letter of the Constitution if you have a problem with how the Court acts than you must change what they are reading from, so an Amendment is better.

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There are people alive today who identify themselves as presidential candidates and who no longer are, FYI.
What a coward.

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