Discussion: WATCH: President Obama Reads 'Mean Tweets'

Discussion for article #234262

Those are “Mean tweets”? Come on now, maybe in kindergarten.


Well the really mean, racist ones of which I am sure there 100s of thousands weren’t suitable for broadcast TV.


Best. President. Ever.


Best. President. Ever. If. He. Would. Rein. In. The. NSA…And. Prosecute. Some. Former. Bankers. And. Torturers.


Now, whenever I see Obama doing something like this, I get this overwhelming sense of “damn, I’m really going to miss him.” No, he’s not the perfect president and I don’t support everything he’s done, but the next president (who also won’t be perfect, and will piss me off from time to time even if they’re a Dem) isn’t going to be as cool.


I love this President. He is incredibly resilient in the face of the most stridently ignorant and yes, violent haters in history.


More likely they can’t be read on air because they’re still part of an ongoing investigation by the FBI and/or the Secret Service.

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There really should be an award for the “Coolest President.” The award would easily go to President Obama. From his impromptu remark at the State of the Union Address to his singing Al Green’s “Let’s Stay Together” at the Appolo for a political fundraiser in 2012, President Obama is super suave.


Of course, I’d like him to be perfect. But still…


There is a disconnect when people sitting in a waiting room at their Doctor’s office to get services that Obamacare brought them are hating on Obama.

But these people can pretend that George Bush, his administration and all of the destroying of America and the world that they did didn’t begin until Feb 2009.
President Obama knows they are hopeless but makes fun just to prove that its all a bad joke.

All the tweets and all the sticks and stones haven’t hurt our Prez’s bones, in fact, he just gets stronger.


Yeah, kinda bummed. Never bought into that Yes We Can stuff; but have a lot of love for him and for the way he stuck it out, despite all he was handed and despite the way so many people talk about him. Even this little video is going to have a certain cable network foaming at the mouth, I’m sure . . .


…and stop pushing the TPP…

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Can’t help but think how Shrub could have never done this (self-deprecation). Heck, he would not understand most of it and would then give one of his smirks and “heh-heh”.


Yes he is. My sentiments on a daily basis. He stays classy - he will never resort to such stupidness.


I think he is perfect - as perfect as anyone can be


Singing Al Green at the Apollo was my favorite. I have kept that link.

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No president could ever be as cool as Obama. He is as close to perfect as any human can be and certainly as we could hope for in any president to come. Eliz Warren maybe?
I am definitely going to miss him and have a feeling we are really going to miss him in 2017 no matter the party


bush can be thankful there was no Twitter during his reign. He would’ve been infuriated to know what people think, but now I’m going over to the Twitter machine I just installed and drop a few nice words to O. He’s cooler than anyone and smarter, and has a great sense of humor. HRC will have great coattails to tie herself to when she runs. And wins.


During debate with Al Gore in 2000

BUSH: …We can have filters on Internets where public money is spent. There ought to be filters in public libraries and filters in public schools so if kids get on the Internet, there is not going to be pornography or violence coming in.

I’d better go pour some caffeine in to try to stop the headache.