Go back to 2000 the media was sadly quite soft on Bush “but he’s a nice guy you’d like to have a beer with” They would ignore every ignorant badly syntaxed quote like this and things that sounded policy wonkish “Fuzzy math” but highlight and go all fake outrage every Gore slight “Why is he wearing khakis?” “He sighed at the debate”? The coverage of that campaign was embarrassing to the point of Murrow spinning at warp speed in his grave.
Exactly. No president in history has had to deal with the hate on such a personal level that has nothing to do with his policy and proposals. They’d barely tolerate him if he was just a bad president who was not white, in which case his election alone would have transformed America. Now the haters have to deal with a two term black president who not only saved America from the Bush financial collapse that could have sparked a another Great Depression, but improved the health of all Americans while not starting any unnecessary wars.
His sense of humor can also be self deprecating. Does not take himself too seriously unlike probably most politicians. My favorite reaction was his reaction to the tweet that said “Hah” and later “LOL”. He said “Now you can’t say ‘LOL’ when you said ‘Hah’ earlier in the same tweet. It’s redundant,”
Well, I haven’t lived through all the presidents, but at least since Eisenhower I’ve seen only two presidents have the irrelevant hatred ratcheted up to this degree, Clinton and Obama. Obama’s includes racism, which may make it even worse, but I often reeled at the sheer mindlessly pounding intensity of the Clinton hate too. (I’ve no doubt that will continue if Hillary wins in 2016, with intensified misogyny substituted for the racism.) However, from what I read, the efforts to prematurely end his life are much higher than for any other president in history. I’m just grateful he’s been able to survive these years… so far. I don’t stop worrying for him, and won’t even after he leaves office.
As for cool, which Obama certainly is, Clinton wasn’t half bad, with his sax and his blarney, and Kennedy certainly made his mark in that direction too, though with a bit more formality and less humor; it was a different age. While I liked Ike just fine, I’d never call him cool, nor any Rep president since either.
God, I really HATE the fact that the right wing has successfully been able to get even semi-sane people to use the phrase “Our Commander-in-Chief.”
No, no, fucking no.
We do NOT have a commander in chief. The military does, because the military is under civilian control in this country, specifically answerable to the President, our PUBLIC SERVANT and REPRESENTATIVE.
“Our Commander-in-Chief” flips that on its head, turns our democracy into a military dictatorship, just the way the authoritarian right wants it.
Yeah. And the NYTimes just got around to mentioning that Jeb broke actual laws by not turning in his Florida emails for some seven years.
“But it took Mr. Bush seven years after leaving office to comply fully with a Florida public records statute requiring him to turn over emails he sent and received as governor, according to records released Friday.”
The laws call for turning over the emails at the end of the term of office.
Freedom of speech=freedom to tweet=freedom to say kiss may ass you freaks.
Considering who/what Obama followed and what he’s had to deal with I’d say that term limits didn’t apply I’d vote for him again, easily. I like having an actual adult in charge and not some daddy’s frat boy.
“A mind is a terrible thing to miss”.
During dubya’s reign, there was a website dubyaspeaks.com "We Record The Damage", and it was sad and funny at the same time. It caught him saying the things we’re now familiar with, or giving speeches in various places always reminding the mayor to “get the potholes fixed”, mispronouncing, and being The Goofy Guy In Chief. I was thrilled when O came in and was able to form complete, coherent often brilliant sentences.
(At the G8 conference ) Goodbye from the world’s biggest polluter.
I was impressed every day by how hard and how skillful our team was.
We can help somebody who hurts by hugging a neighbor in need.
“In my line of work you gotta keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kinda catapult the propaganda.” - Dubya, May 24, 2005
Every dumb, incoherent thing he’s ever said still lives on the Intertubes.