Discussion for article #238904
“one of us…one of us…”
Okay, I’m sorry, but Trump isn’t one of you unless you happen to be a blatant racist. Then again, there’s a lot of blatant bigots in this country.
Real Americans are so down to earth, realists.
“He’s a lot like one of us” may be one of the saddest things I’ve ever read.
Well, TBH a lot of people out there are arrogant assholes.
Was this a focus group or the monthly meeting of the New Hampshire chapter of the Dunning–Kruger Society?
But besides the money issue, he’s still in tune with what everybody is wanting.”
Many also cited Trump’s vast wealth in identifying with him.
Nope, “everybody” is NOT wanting a Rump presidency. And much of Rump’s “vast wealth” is build upon his vast sc*mbaggery but this is proof positive (as if the Left needed it) as to why Rump is YUUUUUUUGE amongst the moron GOP base. The delusion among these fools is an amazing spectacle to behold.
If only they truly knew just how much he loathed being in the same room with those “losers!”
I’ve decided to market a “Donald” blow up doll – Made to order —
Wow, their ignorance is astounding! I thought NH voters were a sober lot who took their first-in-the-nation primary status seriously???
“New Hampshire Focus Group Fawns Over Trump: ‘He’s Like One Of Us’” Really ?
"A celebrity is one who is known to many persons he is glad he doesn’t know.
H. L. Mencken (1880 - 1956)"
New Hampshire Focus Group Fawns Over Trump: ‘He’s Like One Of Us’
It was a focus group made entirely of assholes?
“One of us”…so I guess this was a room full of billionaire, egotistical, twice divorced, loudmouths. Who knew?
It would not be hard to make it seem realistic, due to all the hot air inside.
“He’s like one of us”? What a joke!!! These people shouldn’t be allowed to vote.
The fact that anything–anything-- happening in New Hampshire would affect our national political process is mindblowing.
Well, he is-- in limb count.
This is too scary. I live in Southern Maine, just over the border, so, LePage. Maybe I should move further out into the Atlantic. Or get a bigger tin foil hat.
My sister is a conservative and she loves Trump. When I asked why she explained it’s because he doesn’t back down from things he’s said, he’s attacking the other candidates with relish, and he’s a self made man.
A great person and I Iove her, but she’s completely ignorant.
Classy…not a word that I use to describe Trump…