Discussion for article #226527
Freaky chimp with weird hair and scary mouth replaced by frumpy goatee with confused expression.
Well, out with old, in with the spew.
I won’t miss David Gregory.
I’ll miss him – like I’ll miss an attack of hives.
In the long run it doesn’t matter who is hosting Meet or any of the other Sunday shows. As long as they all employ the same worn out format, inviting the same limited number of guests, they are going to watch their ratings drop off the table.
MSNBC’s Chris Hayes has been my go to watch during the Ferguson mess. He is doing real journalism. He is talking to real people, getting different view points. He is not just interviewing the same old talking heads. My belief is if Chris Hayes was given Meet he would be crushed by the show’s worn out format just like Gregory. Same for Rachel Maddow.
Filling Russert’s shoes would have been a challenge for anyone but Gregory was horrible and should have been an interim host at best. I stopped recording MTP years ago because of Gregory - he was a partisan hack and a terrible interviewer.
Good riddance to Gregory but Todd is hardly a step up…
I read on another blog site the perfect description the poster said and I qoute"one guy with two first names replaced by another guy with two first names "Yes,Yep And Bingo.
He looks like Dr Zaius from Planet of the Apes to me
Ari Melber would be my choice.
UpChuck Todd well, makes me want to UpChuck
Any clips of Gregory during his stint on MTP would be highly inaccurate unless 75 percent of it was his fawning over buddy John McCain.
NBC continues to be tone deaf.
I see John McCain is choosing the hosts over there
I’d include Gwen Ifill or Ray Suarez as replacement contenders. They could poach someone from PBS…I’d even tune into Jim Lehrer if they gave him the job.
Down David, up Chuck.
Andrea the Hack reflecting on David the Hack in anticipation of Todd the Hack.
Every time I throw something, I miss him.
Goodbye to a blatantly transparant partisan.
Hello to one of the worst political analysts we’ve ever seen. At least this new gig means that Chuck-the-Republican-talking-points-parrot is out of the mainstream and relegated to the senior citizen reunion tour (Sunday morning talk shows).
Two little hacks just became even more irrelevant.
I can’t wait to see Chuck Todd analyze future Republican talking points by RECYCLING THEM VERBATIM.
what… no exclusive goodbye kisses from st johnnie or senator huckleberry… lawdy, lawdy… how rude.
just had a thought… does this mean luke russert will be taking on the 10a slot now… oy.