Discussion: Watch 'Meet The Press' Say Goodbye To David Gregory (VIDEO)

When the Sunday morning shows stop legitimizing the likes of Liz Cheney and Michelle Malkin, maybe I’ll start watching again. It seems that when Tim Russert died, he took MTP and the whole format with him.


Nothing will change: Same cast of characters composed of 80% GOP or conservative guests, same softball questions, same straw men arguments, same oblique slams against Obama.


And no video retrospective of all those “amazingly inane” “greatest” moments worth memorializing for posterity…??? Bunch of Ingrates!

Chuck, “both sides do it”, Todd is not an improvement.


That’s what he’s done his entire career. Why would that change now?

What Andrea didn’t show you was later NBC execs dragging a hand-cuffed Gregory before her. Thrown down, his knees rest on the ground and he is ordered to touch his forehead to the ground. Andrea then pulls out a .22 auto, pushes it hard into where the head and the back of the neck meet. Two small PFFTs sound and Gregory falls over dead.

“Remember this Todd,” spits Mitchell and she walks away with a flounce.

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another vote to draft Ari Melber. Chuck seems alarmed at his own comments at times.


As Todd will plummet ratings even further. Mitchell should have made an on air appeal to put Maddow or O’Donnell in the chair otherwise, this show will simply be cancelled.

NBC needs to fire the executive(s) who handed Gregory a losing formula.

Cut the show in half. Leave the first-half as is. Don’t change a thing. Keep all the McCain-Graham distractions, dopey hosts, etc.

For the second-half, turn the klieg lights on dozens issues that voters support yet lawmakers ignore. Make McCain-Graham (and whoever sits in the chair) sweat the entire segment. ADVERTISE the subsequent stage fright of most national lawmakers.

Ask Nielsen which segment scores more viewers.


Lehrer is 80 years old, has had heart problems in the past, and is semi-retired. Not happening.

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Dance on, my friend…

Yeah I know. But someone of his calibre would be welcomed. Dan Rather is old too for the rigors of that job, but I’d welcome him too. His brain works far better than Dancing Dave or Chucky T’s, both of whom have little if no historical memory without the partisan pablum attached.

Say goodnite, douchebag.


is there a political journalist who has interviewing skill (and spine)
like terry gross?

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MTP - a national platform to perpetuate the fundamentalist myths and deliberate lies of supply-side economics.


Unfortunately, if they tried that, they would not be able to book another GOP guest again after the first week.
NBC would rather play nice, which means issues people care about are ignored in favor of what the Kochs want politicized.


Commercially brought to you by Big Pharma, BigAg, Big Oil, and BigAssGasbags…

Perhaps if they got the Wall Streeters out of sponsoring those shows, we might begin to see some semblance or return to legitimate criticism of those greedy bastards who these shows seem to be servile to.


Did they have cake and coffee?

That’s a spot-on description of Chuck. Honestly, don’t you get the feeling that he never once paid any attention to politics until he started showing up on TV? It’s not just that he wasn’t on TV back in the '90’s (and earlier), but he seems to have no recollection of that time period. It’s like he arrived on a time machine, and his only knowledge other than that of his own time, is whatever he can gather about the world he now suddenly inhabits. He’s not just slightly ignorant of the past several decades of American history; he’s completely in the dark. And without a historical backdrop, he’s at a loss to understand the most basic contemporary political policy and rhetoric. All of society’s ills are invisible. All criticism of the president is valid. All talking points from the GOP are accepted as fact. Any unethical or illegal GOP behavior is just “part of the game” that “both sides” are guilty of playing.

Really, he should just come clean and admit that he’s a stranger here in our time and place. Rename the show “Meet an Alien from Outer Space, and Explain American Government to Him”. I bet the ratings would soar.


“Through all the years, David has been true to the traditions of this program and NBC News.”

Interesting, since NBC News on the whole isn’t true to the traditions of NBC News.