Discussion: WATCH LIVE: Trump Visits Black Church In Detroit At 11 30 AM ET

What could go wrong?
I am about to find out!


Just heard a commentator on MSNBC remind the audience that even if Mr. Trump gets some acknowledgement for having come to a black church, that community understands COMPLETELY that they are being used as a photo op and nothing else.


Also saw a great sign carried by protestors outside. It read
“What do you have to lose?” from Donald Trump
“Everything!” response by the Black Community


Will Pastor Jackson still have his job after today? Or are there enough republicans in the congregation to let him keep his job?

“I just wrote this the other day”

Lead with a lie?!
“The African American faith community has been one of God’s greatest gifts…”
god god god
god god god
Typical Trump speech, right?
School choice
the ladder to success (Jacob’s ladder?!)

I’m here today to learn, so that we can remedy injustice together.
Our political system has failed the people… I want to reform it so it will work for you.

True reform comes from outside of the establishment
Candidate of the party of Abraham Lincoln.

I believe we need a civil rights agenda.

Nothing is more sad than when we sideline young black men with wonderful agendas.
This is just his usual stump speech, right?!

Who the hell wrote this? Kellyanne? It’s a boilerplate speech, which isn’t bad on its own, but it doesn’t sound at ALL like Trump.

“the bonds of faith which make our nation strong”??
Come on, he’s giving the SNL team heart attacks of anticipatory excitement.
I would say this is the worst Trump speech I’ve ever seen.
I’d like to conclude with First John 4.


Of course he is reading his statement - so much for his heartfelt intentions. He does seem nervous to me, especially when he tried to ad lib and said something incoherent about Omarosa (“She’s actually a nice person but I shouldn’t say that”) Applause is subdued . . . . here’s hoping he thinks he is getting a warm response and goes off script.


Well, that was a waste of a half hour.

He can’t even read from prepared text without ad-libbing. And he can’t avoid making condescending ad-libs.

I don’t see how this helps him.


The questions and answers were prepared ahead of time, and this was leaked to the Times. They’ll need to be revised, and then what he’ll say. Sorry my father and I couldn’t rent an apartment to you in a T-rump installation and filed your application under C? Sorry I said our African American president was born in Kenya and lied about sending investigators to Hawaii? None of this so-called outreach will go well.


““What do you have to lose by trying
something new, like Trump? What do you have to lose? You’re living in
poverty. Your schools are no good. You have no jobs. Fifty-eight percent
of your youth is unemployed. What the hell do you have to lose?”

Today like in Mexico the other day he did a complete flip flop.When they print what he said on the podium you will see.

You already know the spin come tomorrow on the Sunday talks.


Touche ! Blue:

" None of this so-called outreach will go well."

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It was pretty anticlimactic, wasn’t it? More reports will be coming from those inside. Apparently, the church was not full - a ticket was needed and they appear to have erred on the side of caution rather than going for Trump’s usual preference for a large crowd.

Now that he’s gotten all bible-y, I would love to see an interviewer quiz him on his favorite passages.
"Mr. Trump, do you agree with Jesus’ exhortations against unbelievers in One Corinthians 13, when Jesus says there will be “weeping and gnashing of teeth”?

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I’m disappointed that NBC cut away from the aftermath. His comments during that period would be the ones that would be news-worthy. And probably not in the best way.


“He can’t even read from prepared text without ad-libbing”

ad lib " Your pastor may be going to Hollywood because of his voice ,WHAT ?? and all the TV cameras,?"

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Technically that was before he started his speech, but yeah. that’s a good example of the many disingenuous ad-libs.

Yes…and the press is so desperate to stick to their “pivot” meme, that they completely ignore the actual story being unveiled.

Trump is an even more egregious liar than Romney, who will say anything depending on the crowd in front of him and do a 180 degree turn and disavow all of it for the next crowd.

This is not “presidential” or “reaching out”. This is pandering at its basest form.

And I get the press’s desire to stick to their meme, even if I despise it. But FFS, he lied and played the press for complete fools!! He freaking ditched his press corps in Phoenix so he could fly to Mexico City, then did the most abrupt about face in his speech that night I have ever seen in modern politics…and they aren’t even a little pissed about that??


Trump made reference to black people sitting around on the their porches and said in his statement something like, “See, you people have no jobs.” Joy Reid just noted that it should have occurred to Trump that it is a Saturday and even black folks get a day off from work. I love her spunkiness!


Nothing, it’s scripted and no (ETA) real questions allowed. It’s just another free tv ad for Trump.

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" This is pandering" YEP !

The exact words of Reverend William Barber Preacher /Activist of North Carolina.