Discussion: WATCH LIVE: Hillary Clinton Testifies On Benghazi At 10 A.M. ET

Then keep getting the word out.

WTF?! The live feed cut off Hillary to go to the Today show???


refresh the page

I may too. The first regular committee person asking questions is a dick. I have no idea who he is, but he wanted to interrupt Clinton and it looked like he remembered he was told to not do so or it would look political. Meanwhile his questions are really dickish and do nothing to advance anything to do with the scope of this supposed investigation. He’s questioning why we intervened in Libya in the first place. Its not exactly an issue the SoS is responsible for in terms of the ultimate decision…so why that’s important to him, I have no idea. Its not about what happened on that fateful day, which I thought was the scope of this investigation.

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Meh…too much work, just went here: http://www.ibtimes.com/hillary-clinton-benghazi-live-stream-watch-2016-presidential-candidate-testify-2151549

Edit: Found a better one on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABFWjZxCAAg

I had to move to another room. We just installed a new monitor in our media room and I’m afraid of going all “Elvis” on it every time they show pinhead Gowdy’s fugly mug…or any of the other Repuke witch hunters.


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Ah…now I get it…This dick said Hillary was the “chief architect” of intervention in Libya. He had to get that in of course and did interrupt her in the end. That’s bullshit. Chief architect…wow. Now where have I heard that term before?

I think I’m going to go down in my basement and ferret out the old suction dart gun myself. I usually reserve it for shooting at the TV during the general election’s Presidential debates between the Republican nominee and the Democratic one. Guess which one I shoot at?

Thank you Nerf. You’re a godsend. Now where did I put that thing?


Thx. Went there myself.

They lead with lightweights carping?

Looks like we have another teabagger. She’s whipping out a stack of papers. Its not about the emails huh? She whips out what she describes as 795 emails for visual effect of course. “The optics”, as the MSM likes to say ad nauseam.

Do these people know the difference between what the State Dept. does and DoD?

EMAILS, EMAILS, EMAILS…But its not about Hillary’s emails. Its all about how we lost those poor souls. Arrrrghhhh!

Now this Congresswoman is questioning why there’s not what she wants to see written in an email…All those emails and she doesn’t get her idiotic concerns validated by a Hillary email. Imagine that. Hillary says she got her information from other sources like going to meetings and other briefings, not by way of email.

And this congresswoman had to get Huma in there too. Hitting all the wingnut buttons I see…and she went absolutely nowhere with bringing up her name other than getting Pukes excited that she checked the Huma box.

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I began watching at 8am PT. It seems as though the gop committee members are unclear on how the State Dept. works. And they don’t seem to be learning as they go- lots of accusatory statements, few actual questions. How expository…and embarrassing. Did the House ever approve funding for security for diplomats?

Sec. Clinton effectively slapped down that visual effect too.


They defunded money for security as I recall.

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Love how Hillary shot the simple-minded hack down by telling her that she didn’t conduct most State Department business with emails.

Any bright 5th-grader could have told her that, too.

Hillary is patient while she schools these right-wing idiots.

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And when he was wounded Bill O’Reilly pulled him to safety amid the open warfare in the combat zone. :open_mouth:

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They don’t care how it works.

Their sole objective here is to smear Hillary by whatever means are necessary.
Truth and fact have no place in their verbal maunderings.

i particularly appreciate how clinton repeatedly has included that benghazi was a cia outpost…

and brian williams is impossible to take seriously; he clearly hasn’t learned anything by the drama queen delivery he does… as if msnbc doesn’t already have issues with credibility, their insistence on providing him an outlet does them nothing good.

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Wow, they have nothing, $4 mil for nothing. Maybe we can raise some money so these Republican women can get their hair done in a modern salon?

GOP Rep Scoby is embarrassing her party. Clearly in over her head already.