Discussion: WATCH LIVE: Hillary Clinton Testifies On Benghazi At 10 A.M. ET

Discussion for article #242043

I found this great popcorn in Costco called Chicago Mix or something. Cheddar cheese & caramel. Man, it’s to die for, I highly recommend it !


I have every confidence that with all her experience Hillary will not be shaken,and may in fact turn the whole thing to her advantage leaving the hapless Republicans to wonder WTF just happened.


I’m watching MSNBC and their cameras were focused on Frank Luntz and Louie Gohmert…soooo, nothing political about that, right? Tweety’s going on about “The Good Wife” and Steve Schmidt is bloviating like a typical Republican hack. Nope. Nothing political there either. And OMG, Ms. Greenspan is there to give us her take and snide comments about Hillary, which she’s oh-so good at.

What a fucking spectacle and sham. This has got nothing to do with an investigation, just so we’re clear. BTW, my money’s on Hillary. Any bets on who will grandstand the most on the Committee panel?

And Brian Williams, who can’t even get his own combat/war stories straight should definitely not be covering this.



YAWN…honestly, I’m not all that hyped up about it. I want someone to finally just get in front of these GOP nitwits and say exactly what happened- Chris Stevens knew that the Benghazi consulate was unfinished and the people contracted to provide security were unarmed. What’s more, the entire State Department was on what amounted to lock down and no one was supposed to go anywhere at that time. This is what the Benghazi hearings discovered within a couple of days of starting up and everything after that has been a waste of tax payer dollars and little more than a witch hunt. And it’s time the Democrats hammer that point home.


She’ll probably own them, and poke all kinds of holes in their stupid bullshit questions. But just by the fact that Republicans are still getting the optics of her being “in the hot seat!” and may get a sound bite they can take out of context, I still don’t trust the population at large to finally see this whole thing for what it is.


All of Gowdy’s questions in his opening remarks have been asked and answered already. What a nitwit.


ALL EYES IN DC ARE ON HILLARY…ZZZZZZZZZZ. Well, almost all eyes. This committee is a fucking joke.


I agree. The average person is just getting soundbites from this and the overall meme creates an aura of either incompetence or general sinister nature to Clinton. Unfortunately, I think the Rethugs will probably succeed.


Yeah…it’s too bad we can’t fast forward and get to Hillary’s testimony.

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Check back around noon.

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Like the gop/bgs give two shits what happened in Libya.

Why didn’t our illustrious congress march dick & dubya in for their culpability (sleeping at the switch) on 9/11?

When they got away without so much as a peep, you know this is a political farce!

Political games is all the gop/bags have! They can’t govern, hell, they can’t even behave as adults. Hence, the constant games.


Hey kids, what time is it???

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It isn’t that they can’t govern, they don’t WANT to govern and believe governing is BAD. The got elected on the premise that Government = Bad, so, they destroy government from within, turning the Congress into a Jerry Springer-Reality Show (which makes sense as they are about to nominate a TV Reality Show Star as their Presidential Candidate.)


Eye Contact and/or lack of same is telling.

Nominally Rep Gowdy is addressing Secretary Clinton in his opening remarks, but his eyes tell me that he is talking to everyone but Secretary Clinton.


It’s been amazing to watch, in a really sad way. Republicans have wasted who knows how much time and money now to “investigate” a rather minor incident in the full scope of things. An incident that’s comparable to over a dozen such incidences that occurred under the previous Republican administration (all of which didn’t get much scrutiny). And they’ve been doing it over the course of several years now and with the help of a 24/7 cable news organization. They’ve had dozens of hearings that have revealed absolutely zero wrong doing on the part of Hillary or the Obama administration. A Republican-led committee recently issued a report saying “Nope. Hillary and the Obama admin did nothing wrong”. It’s been discussed to death, and still…nothing. Rep. McCarthy flat out admitted on primetime television that the whole thing was a sham to discredit Hillary. It amazes me that people are so stupid that it took McCarthy’s comments to finally connect the dots, but to anybody with half brain it was an obvious sham from the get-go. Painfully obvious.

Where are we today?



I had no idea that a Delta Force soldier was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for saving lives at Benghazi and he chartered a plane from Tripoli to get to Benghazi. I really hate to provide a link to the Washington Times, but it is the only paper which has the details. Excerpt:

After al Qaeda-linked terrorists stormed the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi at 9:40 p.m., killing Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and State Department officer Sean Smith, the rescuers chartered a plane in Tripoli. They landed in Benghazi around 1 a.m. and made their way via convoy to a CIA annex where Americans were fighting off various terrorist groups, including Ansar al-Sharia, which had attacked the mission.When the Tripoli team made it to the annex, two former Navy SEALs employed as CIA security contractors were on a roof returning fire. Three mortar rounds hit the building, killing both men and badly wounding a State Department security officer.

Sgt. Halbruner and his Marine colleague are believed to have played a major role in getting the wounded off the roof under intense fire.

The Army citation reads:

“Without regard for his own safety, Master Sergeant Halbruner’s valorous actions, dedication to duty and willingness to place himself in harm’s way for the protection of others was critical to the success of saving numerous United States civilian lives. Throughout the operation, Master Sergeant Halbruner continually exposed himself to fire as he shepherded unarmed civilians to safety and treated the critically wounded. His calm demeanor, professionalism and courage was an inspiration to all and contributed directly to the success of the mission. Master Sergeant Halbruner’s distinctive accomplishments are in keeping with the finest traditions of military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his Command and the United States Army.


But Brian Williams was at Benghazi!

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The Democrats need to bring down the hammer on this committee. Trey Gowdy is a fool who gave a very aggressive opening, but…this work has already been done. Our money is being spent, spent, and spent. Stop it!

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