Contrast the above With Rep Cummings’ eye Contact.
How long does she have to sit there? I hope she brought a comfortable seat cushion because these teabaggers on the panel are planning on bloviating for hours. Our taxdollars at work, or should I say, not at work.
I thought he sounded extremely defensive in his opening remarks. His back is against the wall, not the other way around, today.
Nice find. In other words, the focus on Benghazi, which killed 4 Amurikans, belittles and demeans the rest of the attacks, which killed thousands.
Gowdy Doody’s lil’ defensive, butthurt, hate screed was laughable and Cummings put Gowdy and his farcical clown show in its rightful place. Thank you Rep. Cummings!
And WHY did they do this? Because the US Mission in Benghazi was a COVER for a covert CIA operation based INSIDE of the Benghazi mission. THAT is why there was no “increased security” because the CIA rejected it fearing it “might blow their cover” if too many Americans were stationed there.
When the attacks occurred (because they HAD blow their OWN COVER) they did not have enough CIA operatives to repel it, and many died. This whole incident was the CIA’s fault and they won’t admit it publicly as it would be a big embarrassment.
Those who want to believe Clinton did something nefarious, went along with it because Clinton.
Those who are smart enough to have realized it was a witch hunt from the beginning refused to go along with it.
But, I believe there’s a percentage of the American public who just doesn’t get it. Not saying that they’re bad people. They see or hear about “hearings” and assume it’s legit. They don’t have the wherewithal to really think about what’s going on. This is the reason I think that the WH is by no means “a lock.”
Elijah Cummings. My hero.
Thank you guys. I can’t watch live (at work) but I can tell from your posts how it is going. Sounds like just as expected.
When this day’s farce is over, Sec Clinton will still be standing…taller than ever. The Rethug witch hunting slugs will crawl back into the cesspool that spawned them.
"Sec. Clinton why did you not spend the money we Republicans voted NOT to give you for embassy security on security for Benghazi? Huh? Answer that! Why?"
That’s the level of this farcical “investigation”. A pox on it and the depraved Rethugs who serve on it.
Hillary’s speaking now. She’s level-headed and calm. She’s giving the background AGAIN over who the 4 were, how they were chosen, and how she found out about their deaths, and how diplomats to other countries are so important and face danger everywhere…AGAIN.
The baggers will wait till the afternoon when her hairspray wears off and she’s worn down from their bullshit to go after her full bore, I’m sure. Gowdy spent a lot of time focused on those stupid emails as the reason this hearing couldn’t have happened sooner. I call bullshit on that as do most people who’ve followed this crap.
missed that… why in the fuck is frank luntz at this. he is one of the most repulsive manipulators in u.s. politics.
scratch that – he is the most repulsive.
10 hour testimony? Pffft! George W. Bush testified longer at the 9/11 hearings…oh, wait.
and refused to testify under oath … and without his war-daddy by his side.
This witch hunt is not simply a loathsome and nonsensical waste of time and political grandstanding by the Repukes, it is a national embarrassment.
For gawwd’s sake, get out and vote as many of these demented and dangerous Righties out of office as possible. 2016 is critically important. Vote!
Good question. The cameras showed him in the halls talking to Gomer Pyle. This must be a Faux-gasm for the wingnuts at Faux Nooze I’m guessing. They’ve got to get their shills and propagandists out there early I suppose, in order to report back to the mothership.
They weren’t questions. They were use of the interrogative to make an assertion. He’s a trial attorney…they use every communications trick there is. Note the use of the word truth…in a tone that implies they are still looking for it. As in folks are lying. But he does not come right out and say…“you are lying”…
That’s the scumbag attorney in him.
Well, if they don’t want to govern, and want to ruin the government…I placed that in the can’t govern category.
One thing is for sure…Gowdy Doody is no investigator.
I had to turn it off. Fhuck Wodd was starting to irritate the hell out of me.