Discussion: WATCH: Kelly Reminds Conway Why Trump Polls Poorly With Women

Looks like Megan is auditioning for another job . She went and committed another wanton act of Journalism.
That’s 2 in 2 days
Welcome to the reality based world Megan


Why is Kelly-Anne working for this dope? Is she desperate for a top job? Avoiding answering a question on Fux News is not the way to go. The pay must be good!


Kellyann is a professional word whore. She gets paid to lie. it’s what she does and has been doing it for years. The only prerequisite is the absence of a soul or conscience


Her contract negotiations do start fairly soon, and I do believe she will be entertaining offers from other networks (Hi CNN!).

But I think both of the incidents you cite are based more on her frustration with the Trump people living in a “fatal bubble” much like Rove tried to do with his “math to make republicans feel better”. Kelly doesn’t want math to make her feel better, she wants republicans to win. And she is smart enough to see (having experienced it) that the sort of denial that Conway is offering up pretty much guarantees republicans lose.

So this is just her way of trying to shake some sense into them.


I liked Kelly’s body language (“WHAT?” it screamed) and the “Mitt Romney had a larger gap with women” discussion…

“You are sitting here suggesting, why are her numbers low with women and you work for Donald Trump!” Kelly exclaimed. “His numbers are historically low for a Republican nominee with women. Historically low.”

“Mitt Romney lost women by 13 points and John McCain lost by 13,” Conway argued.

“Mitt Romney’s numbers are crushing Donald Trump’s numbers with women. Crushing them!” Kelly observed. “There’s 35 days to go, Kellyanne. The criticism of Donald Trump is that he was doing well and that he was rebounding and his numbers in various states were rebounding and then he went after Miss Universe and talked about her being too fat and talked about women’s looks again. And women don’t like that, according to these polls.”

“I guess I would focus on why we’re here, which is the vice presidential debate,” Conway said.


The battle of the blonde v. the bland

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Men caNt win. IF fat slobs aSk if their jEans make TheiR butts look big and You saY no, you’re a Liar and if you saY yes you Are a Misogynist.


Yeah, I’ve often wondered what Megyn would be like free of the Fox constraints. And oh the stories she could probably tell about the working life at Fox.


Like the evil stepmother in The Huntsmen, she has to commit evil at every opportunity to keep from looking like Jan Brewer.


I like big butts (within reason, of course).

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I still remember his attack on Carly Fiorina and totally insincere walkback of that at a later debate.



The answer is “I have a surprise for you, because I love you so much!” Just be sure to have plenty of surprises planned ahead. :wink:

Oh…and go shopping with her, and direct her away from jeans


Kellyanne is the zombie bride of Joseph Goebbels.


I sense you’re holding something back… You should tell us how you really feel. :wink:


sorry in advance for this but:

two people fall out of a plane… one is a brunette the other is blonde… who hits the ground first? and why?

answer: the brunette hits first… the blonde has to stop and ask directions…

KellyAnne and Cheeto Donnie laugh hysterically… KellyAnne probably after someone explains it to her… twice…


“and direct her away from jeans”

Nicely done.


Can’t the two people be Trump and Conway? It makes it more topical and vastly more entertaining.


No, that one ends - “the world’s greatest businessman just jumped out with my backpack”


LOL! Perfect