Discussion for article #230003
He seems nice…
Wow…that’s a Bacon Double Derpburger with a side of Facepalm.
This man needs to be fired immediately—and forced to receive some training so he can apologize for being such a jackwagon.
What’s a “rape truther”?
University President and Mansplainer, Robert Jennings.
SLUTS! Everywhere you look is a slut-fest. Sluts over here. Sluts over there. When will these common street walkers and baby killers learn to shut their mouths and take it. Don’t they know if they just shut up and lay down they’ll really like it.
This bastard needs to be removed from his position and blackballed from the education environment.
I wouldn’t use the term truther to describe this clod. Rape denier would be more appropriate.
MEN arE SLAves TO Our LIBIdOS and WOMen TAKe ADvantaGE of THIS FACT in ORDer TO TRick US INTo RAPE!!!1!!!one!!!
Hehe…I’ll try: “rape truthers” are people who assume that any accusation of rape or sexual assault is automatically suspect and therefore immediately engage in fabricating an alternative explanation (i.e., the “truth” or “what really happened”) that almost always includes some form of victim-blaming. Frequently, this takes the form of talking about what she was wearing, how she “put herself in a compromising position” and/or just outright denial and “she’s making this all because she now regrets it or didn’t get what she wanted out of him.”
Were the three accusations true?
I think “truther” fits perfectly. He’s not just denying it. He’s inventing alternative explanations as the new “truth.”
He should resign to pursue his obvious goal of the GOP presidential nomination.
My point was that he is denying that rapes had happened, that the women were lying.
“We had on this campus three cases of young women, who after having done whatever they did with the young men and then it didn’t turn out the way they wanted it to turn out, guess what they did,” Lincoln University President Robert R. Jennings an auditorium full of female students. "They then went to Public Safety and said, ‘he raped me.’
It’s the two sides of the same coin, I guess.
Has there ever been a false accusation of rape?
“Used up?” I had no idea I had a limit. Does anyone know what it is, because now I’m worried. What if I run out?
Yes, certainly – it does happen, unfortunately. Tawana Brawley is one example.The Duke lacrosse team case is another. And cases like that make it all the harder for real victims to be heard and believed.
A republican.
Truther is an insult. Synonym for stupid.
Well bless his heart.