Discussion: WATCH: College President Blames Young Women For Sexual Assault

Yes, and tragically ironic, considering the root of the word.

We don’t really know what happened in those three cases, do we? I don’t have knowledge of how often false accusations happen. It’d be nice to have some actual facts in this story- appears to be irresponsible journalism.

Yes. But these are by no means as frequent as false denials of rape.

The actual facts are in the depths of this school’s investigation. It may well have gone like this:

Girl: He raped me.
Official: I don’t believe you. I’ll ask him.
Guy: Nope, I didn’t.
Official to girl: You retract that and say you’re sorry if you want to remain in school.

End of story.

Jennings is making it very clear who he is inclined to believe.

It takes a lot of guts to put yourself on the line and allege date rape.

I’d love to see the video of the male convocation and what he says to the men about not raping women.


Response to rape is “Men will use you up”?
Wow. What a prince. Shameful. How about the board uses him up & sends him home for good. Wow.

This guy should be a cinch for the GOTP nom. Wow.

That was my question too. I know these guys probably took advantage of these women…hello…nothing NEW here!! This has gone on forever. It is the reason we caution women about getting drunk and out of control of any situation. Old sayings are the best. Pretty is as pretty does. I AM a woman and I have a real hard time with some gal going to a party, getting plastered and then even though she cannot remember much…she says a man ‘raped’ her. It may not be politically correct but … she PUT herself in a position to be harmed. What if…what if the young man was AS drunk or more so than she was. Can HE accused HER of taking advantage of HIM? Can HE claim it was HER idea and that she pursued HIM? Anyone ever been to a party with a drunk female who was all over your boyfriend…it happens folks!!! I’m sorry once I hear the word ‘drunk’ I’m out. Everyone’s at fault. Now go to your rooms and think about what you kids have done.

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Maybe these women’s claims were true, maybe not, buy I certainly would not trust this guy’s take re the veracity of their claims. Many at Florida state believe the alleged victim of Jameis Winston lied. Thanks to the lack of a credible police investigation the evidence remains buried allowing people to draw the conclusion they want.

[quote] “Don’t put yourself in a situation that would cause you to be trying to explain something that really needs no explanation had you not put yourself in that situation,” he tells the audience.

Jennings told the Inquirer that his remarks were taken out of context /// [/quote] Translation:

Listen up you whores: Take responsibility for your own rape(s). After all if you were in church instead of at a party you wouldn’t have been raped (unless it was by a priest, and that would be a blessing from God). It’s certainly not the fault of these honorable men on campus that you weren’t safely locked up in a church where you wouldn’t have been tempting, teasing and entrapping these honorable young men with your whoreinesses.

Of bacon?

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Jennings, while a student in college: I got her drunk, cajoled and pressured her for an hour, threatened her for another hour. It wasn’t easy, but I finally proved she was a slut.

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Not a chance, I’ll just make more!

You are conflating several issues here, and I can’t agree with you on much of it.

First, there is the issue of false rape accusations. We can all agree that false accusations are a terrible thing. They also are pretty rare – certainly more rare than rape and much, much more rare than a woman waking up with regrets after a party.

Second, there is the issue of a person’s responsibility for preventing rape. It is never the victim’s responsibility to prevent rape. It is wise to be aware of actions that can increase or decrease risk, but to blame victims who engage in ordinary activities that increase risk (jogging after dinner, say, or attending a party and drinking alcohol) is essentially to deny full civil rights to them.

Finally, there is the notion that being drunk makes you fair game for criminals. Not much needs to be said about that.


Then you can never be used up like all those other Jezebel’s.

I didn’t have any bacon left, so I had to use salami in my sandwich today – a salami, lettuce, tomato sandwich, or, as Jennings might call it, a SLuT.


Is there any truth to what he said? A false accusation of a sex crime is a horrible crime itself – but worse since there is no support group whatsoever for the victim, and no way to punish the perpetrator.

A relative of mine is the daughter of the police chief in a small town. She uses this tactic regularly (even to the point of accusing pre-teen girls she doesn’t like of raping her toddler) – and always gets away with it.

I agree that this guy is too close to blaming the victim, but at least someone is standing up against false accusations.

Hmm…how many licks does it take to get to the center?

Wrong treat. Bacon lickers should be hospitalized.

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Yep. For example, if a person went to a party and got drunk and someone at the party came along and stole all his money and his expensive diamond ring and his $300 shoes, would people say the person who stole all that wasn’t at fault because the guy who got drunk “asked for it,” or “he didn’t say I couldn’t have all those things!”
You might say the guy who got drunk was stupid, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a crime to steal from him and that the thief should be exonerated.