Discussion: WATCH: Carly Fiorina Fails To Correct Man Who Calls Obama A 'Black Muslim'

That is perfectly carly. A real profile in courage she is.

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I get it that it’s hard to think on your feet… but how hard would it have been to have a comment at the ready for old white crowds? Something tested like… " I’m sorry sir, you are insinuating a slur, and although I disagree with President Obama’s policies, I won’t be going there. It’s inappropriate." There. Easy.


Look, Carly Fiorina is simply a perfect example of the quality of would be Republican office holders. She is ignorant, arrogant, and angry.

She feels that she deserves to be President. Why, because she is surrounded by people who tell her she should be.

In fact, she such an obvious bitch that she couldn’t get raped if they left her in the yard at Folsum.

Actually, this is less about Fiorina and more about potential Republican voters.

Hopefully, someday we’ll be able to round them up and put them in camps, away from normal people. They would be well cared for and allowed to age and die, therefore stopping what I believe is some mental mutation that needs to be isolated and wiped out.

Or, we could just start hanging the stupid bastards from the nearest lampost, and get it done with in a quicker more fun way.

She is an epic profile in courage… that one.

Will any one in the press ask her if she thinks Obama is a muslim? Then follow up with why didn’t you correct the man if she says no. She can’t have it both ways.


This again?

Or should I say, still?

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“The black muslim doesn’t want this country to get ahead!!”

That’s why unemployment is down to 5% (considered full employment)

That’s why millions of uninsured Americans, are now insured.

That’s why…oh, why bother!


Obama’s race merely made it easy because they didn’t have to teach white conservatives to be racist. They merely had to give them permission.

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The term “Black Muslim” has no meaning as those who practice it are not identified by race. This man is quite ignorant and should have been shut down by Fiorina if she weren’t so craven!


I wish it were not so. But, short of wiring brains differently, there is no way to change RWNJs into LWNJs.

The Left is asleep (at least, their constituencies are in the U.S., with regard to numbers and enthusiasm). First of all, the entire political spectrum has moved to the Right. Before our very eyes. How and how fast would take a scholar like RandyAbraham to delineate. The upshot is that things are so far Right that a classic liberal like Bernie seems like Che Guevara. Second, the “nut job” part of the Right is fueled by hate and fear, not assessment of the issues previously thought as “bread and butter” themes or foreign policy…ramped up to near-insane levels. There is no equivalent on the Left. Third, there is no sense among those of the Left that there will be any accurate portrayal of the political landscape by the MSM or FOX. This was done quite cleverly by the Right by labeling the MSM as “liberal” all the while they drove journalists out of the field of real journalism and assumed total editorial control of nearly all of the organs of the Fourth Estate. Lastly, the young, usual sources of adherence to the Left have been nearly atomized by a plethora of contradictory stimuli…cyber-play, lack of instruction in history, economic stress, cannibalistic Pop Culture promoting the idea of the “instant millionaire”, dearth of unions and other group methods in confronting corporate power, no Military Draft to galvanize youthful protest, distractions, distractions and distractions…and, finally, Age Related Behaviour. Old (Reactionary) Folks VOTE MORE THAN EVERYONE ELSE

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For all of my points of distaste and disgust for GrandPa Mumbles McCain, and they are legion, I will forever give him credit for shutting down one of his campaign’s attendees who did the same as the old fool at that table.
These current WooWoo craven and depraved Rightie Baggerloons of the Republican Cult are far too cowardly to do the same.

Trump, Santorum and now Fiorina have all taken the easy chickensh*t route and just smiled as each walked away.

Here is why America is a no good, third world, third wheel of a Nation, in just one sentence:
The imbeciles sitting at the table will go out and vote, while a hundred “democrats” stay home.


I am going to put these words on a poster.

These latter people you mention are equally as culpable as the most ignorant, racist and xenophobic TeaBagger. Perhaps even more so, because in the former case, I believe that RWNJs can no more help themselves as a pedophile can help assaulting a child–it is a form of neurosis, albeit severe.

The lazies of the Democratic Party know exactly what they do when they CHOOSE a video game over exercising a right for which PEOPLE GAVE THEIR LIVES.


Just listening to this group of old white ignorant people has a silver lining, their days of voting Republican are coming to a end as with most of the base of the GOP. The GOP is a dying political party as more and more of these fools die off each election cycle.

Calling out a member of the Grumpy Old Party for a lack of integrity is like calling out the Sun for a lack of Helium.
Both Helium and the lack of integrity are intrinsic to the respective definitions…

I wonder if that OLD FART knows that Republicans want to DESTROY his Medicare and SS. NOTICE how Carly slithered away…Black Muslim indeed. Carly is a COWARD and a SNARKY one at that.

LOL. Well, I was thinking “charismatically-challenged carpenter,” you know, since she supposedly “makes” jobs, but …


An appropriate verb. If anyone were to have a “fantasy” about Carly Fiorina it would be that of a nightmare…with the somnabulist running away from the creepiest reptile in the zoo.