Discussion: WaPo: State Department Spent $15,000 At Trump Tower Vancouver In February

Can you say “Emoluments”? Sure, I knew ya could…

Taxpayers = Suckers


Our tax dollars at work, but certainly not for us!


For fuck’s sake, the klepto-kook’s approval rating is still at 40 percent and it’s been edging up (today’s Gallup tracking). And these are the people who think they’re more patriotic than the rest of us.


This is obviously use of government funds for a private purpose. Who can sue Trump?


I feel like some important information is missing, like, for example, why was the State Department spending money at a Trump Hotel ribbon cutting?

SS is out of the Treasury Department.


The Trump GOP propaganda organs are spinning and the deplorables buy it. How do I know? I am a regular poster and moderator at a site where most commenters are conservative. They all are posting stuff attacking Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Ted(!) Kennedy, and other Democrats to say: “see --they all do it.” These stories came from various Trump GOP propaganda organs. The floor of Trump’s support is pretty high because of such blind loyalty. I figure he won’t go much below 35% until something bad happens, like a recession, a mishandled foreign crisis or natural disaster, or the blowing up of the health care market that disproportionately and negatively impacts Trump followers.

Until then, batten the hatches and be patient.


There’s a cushy assignment, working for the “Derp Protection Detail”.


and . . . are we taxpayers going to get our money back ?

Or, work it blandly into the conversation before they do.

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The grift is in…‘we gotta stay SOMEWHERE don’t we? Those pesky Democrats are always PICKING on us!’…

This is exactly the sort of thing that will soothe the economic anxieties of the stressed working white class folks in the decaying towns and rural areas of the Rust Belt. After all, nothing says “populist” like the taxpayers paying for parties put on for the benefit of the President and his children, no?


a Trump-branded property

Pay in money-branded construction paper.

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For all the Republican bitching and moaning about how much Obama cost tax payers, I imagine he was small change in what Trump is and is going to cost us. And jesus, think how much Bush’s Iraq cost in lives and money. The term conserative should never be associated with the Republican party, especially not in relation to cost to taxpayers.


To be fair, there are no other hotels in Vancouver.


Just fyi: Trumps don’t own the tower. They manage it for some shady Malaysians. The people of Vancouver hate them all.

From the FT:

"The building comes to represent the worst in humankind with that name on it: bullying, sexism and intolerance,” said Kerry Jang, a city councillor. He and other politicians in the city, including the mayor, have called for the Trump name to be removed from the building.

Mr Tiah, the 37-year-old son of Malaysian property developer Tony Tiah Thee Kian, insists he will not remove the name. “I am locked in with the contract,” he said in an interview with the Financial Times. The Trump family is “aware I’m under pressure but what am I going to do? From a business standpoint they haven’t done anything wrong.”


Trump doesn’t really build or make anything anymore.


Secret Service is now part of the Department of Homeland Security.

It is possible that Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) under State was also somehow involved. This may just be a case where State more routinely reports this data and Secret Service does not.

He never built or made anything. He’s a developer. He does not know anything about construction or building. The Architect shows him renderings and how much gold stuff is in the bathrooms and lobby, and he says “great, get someone to build it”. I am a contractor here in NYC, and rest assured everyone in construction here knows Donald Trump knows squat about building or making things.


everyone in construction here knows Donald Trump knows squat about building or making things.

But Trump knows quite a bit about suing the contractors and tradesmen who actually do build his buildings. Why any of them work on projects for Trump is a mystery to me.


I am a regular poster and moderator at a site where most commenters are conservative.

That sounds like an extremely unpleasant thing to subject yourself to.