Sounds like stormy weather is ahead for Cohen.
Did you mean stormy Daniels?
Wow. To judge by how many times Cohen’s name comes up in the Steele Dossier and the testimony Glenn Simpson gave to the Senate and the House this ought to get really interesting.
Donnie better pay back that $130,000 . He’s going to need it for the Lawyers
Looks like I picked the wrong week to give up popcorn.
I know it’s been said, still:
Obama - 8 years, 0 lawyers
Trump - a year and his lawyers have lawyers
It’s Jeff Sessions fault!
So much for that Cohen of Silence.
Probe away, Mr. Mueller, probe away…
The article was mostly rehash, but this one caught my attention:
Cohen has said he worked on the deal with Felix Sater, a real estate developer who helped build a number of Trump-branded properties…
Anybody paying any attention to what Josh has been writing about Sater for the past year knows that’s about the most whitewashed description of a person ever.
I predict that Cohen is another one of the people who is going to be sorry that his perfectly legitimate business associate ever got a federal spotlight shone on his dealings. Because what little has been reported of Cohen’s activities makes trump look positively law-abiding.
Sez who?
and we wont be a bit surprised when the lawyers of the lawyers get lawyers.
Job Creation Trump style
Recall there was a little dust up during the RNC convention. Apparently a plank promising military aid to Ukraine in the event of a Russian attack was removed. The speculation was - what happened. Was it Manafort paying some debts back or someone else close to Trump? Cohen is an obvious suspect.
Interestingly last week the Pentagon announced they were going to now sell anti-tank missiles to Ukraine and instruct Ukrainian soldiers on their use.
There’s an exception to attorney-client privilege when the client and lawyer are engaged in the same criminal enterprise. That almost certainly applies here.
If Mueller can nail M. Cohen
And if to the big house he’s goin’
Next year won’t be duller.
Thanks Mr. Mueller,
Cohen’s up that ol’ creek busy rowin’.
When Mueller’s after “the fixer,” he knows all about the things he’s “fixed.”
I hope the so-called president enjoys his evening thinking about his friend Michael.
I know that but his lawyers had lawyers by the end of the first year.
I guess I should have counted up the months - sorry guys!
[quote=“sickneffintired, post:16, topic:69288”]
and we wont be a bit surprised when the lawyers of the lawyers get lawyers.
Job Creation Trump style
[/quote]Coming soon: “Trump University Law School Correspondence Course - get your degree in as little as three weeks. No bar exam necessary. Just start practicing law without bothering with those inconvenient state licensing regulations. We’re getting rid of them! Send $50,000 today and we’ll send you a new client list. And your diploma and law license will both have the official Seal of the President of the United States! Cool, huh?”