Discussion: WaPo: House GOP Leader On Tape In 2016 Saying 'I Think Putin Pays' Trump

Ryan and McCarthy while squirming uncomfortably: “Yes?”
Ryan and McCarthy…“hee hee?”


This crowd is all about the credibility these days…


What I fail to understand is why the dumbest, most incapable, always seem to rise to the top in the GOP. They can’t all be sharp as a bowling ball. Are the intelligent ones so outnumbered that they feel threatened and just hide?


You must not have been around for the purging of the intellectuals during the Reagan Revolution. Intelligence is not allowed in today’s Republican Party; it makes the rubes nervous.


Yeah, Kevin McCarthy also spoke truth in his gaffe about the Benghazi investigations primarily being about damaging Hillary Clinton’s electoral chances.

Dim bulb are words that come to mind.


i’ll go with yes. what the hell. do these gops not get the concept of recording devices?


It seems to me that the GOP puts the CO in RICO!


I just got in. I’d say “unbelievable,” but given that it’s exactly in keeping with what we’ve been hearing and reading I’d say “entirely expected.”


Funny because it’s true, amirite? Paul?


“Who taped this?” That’s the real question. Also: who leaked it? (One and the same presumably.)

Mensch and Taylor readers will be familiar with their claim that Ryan (and McConnell) were caught on tape by the FBI at the Republican convention in July admitting they knew Russian money was being laundered into the GOP. Whether that is true or not, this is clearly different, since it takes place in June. But it does add a certain credibility to the other claim as well.


Yeah, seems like the 2 most important questions aren’t asked. Who taped this and when will the public hear the audio?

The first question is the big one. There’s no reason to suspect Ryan or McCarthy, is there?

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I don’t think I can take much more. Rolling my eyes, sighing, head shaking, throwing up my hands - so I have a headache, a neck ache, sore shoulders, etc.

I can’t with these people much longer.
I don’t think they understand the meaning of the word ‘joke’.

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I caught that too, things are moving fast.


“… I think, Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump,” McCarthy said, … “Swear to God,” McCarthy added.

Well, wee doggie and here I was thinkin’ I couldn’t agree with the GOP on anything.


You beat me to it :slight_smile: Though I wonder if this is what they are talking about, or if there is more?

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Well as you can probably telll, I said “Well… look at that :no_mouth:” to Matt upthread exactly with what Mensch et al have been saying in mind. He and I have been chatting on this twitter journos phenomenon for some time now :smile:

It draws my attention that WaPo cited McMullin. He was there. It didn’t say it was he that passed the recording to them, though.

I never said that. No, I never. I never said that I preferred a miniature ‘orse to the missus. I woz only jokin’. If Bertie 'adn’t been playing around with 'is camcorder, none of this would 'ave 'appened, wouldn’t it. 'E never woz good with mechanical equipment woz Bertie. 'E 'ad the parabolic microphone pointed at the flat down the 'all. It woz the neighbor, Mr. Goodwanker 'oo liked the ponies, weren’t it?


Everything is a joke with these people smh.

Take heart, Conway is Welsh (= Conwy). We Celts have a lot to answer for.