Discussion: WaPo: FBI Got FISA Warrant To Track Trump Aide Carter Page

I’ve been thinking that President P Grabber is wishing that Jared is his son because he’s realized that Donald Jr. and Eric are idiots.

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Could this boil down to a bunch of adolescent minded college educated white boys who think they’re gangsta?


This is great.
“It’s a fabrication!!”
“The payments it records were totally legit!!”

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As I have been saying all along: “Follow the Money”.

This is all wrapped up in Russian Mob Money being laundered through Trump properties (hundreds of millions of $$$ worth) and has been under investigation by the FBI since at least 2013 if not sooner.

Once Trump got into bed with the Russian Mob in the late 90’s he has been their bitch since then for any dirty money scheme they wished to run with him only being required to “look the other way” and not ask any questions.
It is how he survived the last bankruptcy when no US banks and most EU banks would not loan him anything because he was such a bad businessman.
Carter Page has been with Trump for many, many years and is one of his main connections to the Russian Oligarchs/Mob with Roger Stone being the one with the US-based Russian mob connections.
They are all dirty but the FBI has mysteriously never come down on them due to the Giuliani connection with the corrupt NY FBI office (the same one that forced Comeys hand with the “Oct. Surprise Memo to Congress”.)
It all comes down to corrupt/compromised NY FBI connections and Russian Oligarch/Mob Money flowing through Trump properties in NY, Miami, and Atlantic City.
I’m sure it is quite convoluted, but when Russian Mob members are buying Trump Condos in NY at over 300% the going prices while also purchasing Trump properties in Miami and then immediately selling them at a massive loss and NEVER moving in, that should tell you something…


Yeah, really weird how that happened. Almost as if there was some kind of an X factor, some unknown unknown driving them all together.

Seriously, the real mystery is how the hell the FBI was denying Russian intent to aid Trump for as long as it did when you’ve got all these fifth rate nobodies, cranks, kooks, non-entities, marginal players, all people no Republican campaign would ever give the time of day to, being drawn into his campaign, one after another, who all have links to Russia. They saw patterns where none existed in Hillary’s email and the CGI but couldn’t spot a real one until the Steele Dossier smacked them upside the head with it. And even then, they half-assed it.

*Update: or to be more succinct, it’s like the Feebs came across a whole line of turtles on top of fenceposts with Cyrillic graffiti and said “yup, nothing very odd going on here.”


Could. Seems to be the only real common element in the whole scheme. The randomness of existence made it so one of the white boys ran for President, was appealing to idiots and “low information” voters, the Russians who’d been his longtime handlers took notice and here we are.

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In the face of Comey’s testimony to the absence of any such warrant how is this even possible? I think Jim’s got to come back to the Hill and do some dancin’.

The Spy Who wasn’t bright enough to get out of the cold…

My bet continues to be that in about a year and a half, Trump ends up being like the prime minister in a parliamentary system who receives a “no confidence” vote and continues to hang on to office, besieged and impotent. Beyond that is hard to tell: maybe he gets impeached, maybe he resigns, maybe he just hangs on.

Besides, its really only treason when a liberal socialist colludes with the Russians… like we have to worry about a right-wing reactionary falling in with Russians, please! Besides, documents aren’t secret if the President declassifies them.

Right wingers are really trying to sell this story as proof Obama illegally wiretapped Trump Tower. It doesn’t but never underestimate the willingness of the right to lie about anything and everything.

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Man, a heaping helping of ironic justice may well be headed that crazy dude’s way. No way Khamenei can let that stand. The precedent would undermine his entire constitutional position and open the floodgates. (Though, technically, the opening of floodgates usually precedes undermining, not the other way around.)

Carter Page seems to think making an appearance on teevee is a good idea.

Normal people don’t expect presidential pardons.