Discussion: WaPo: FBI Got FISA Warrant To Track Trump Aide Carter Page

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On NBC.com Page says he’s happy about the warrant. Somehow it justifies what trump tweeted about his wires being tapped…

Jeebus on several crackers.

Happy about being investigated by the FBI for collusion with the Russians. That’s a strange “happy” to me.


Probable cause is far from conviction. He is innocent until proven guilty.

Now, let’s start a pool on when that will be.


I had forecasted trump would be gone by October 1st… Page is a putz so I’ll hafta consider this a while…
mid summer…June 1


Another Piece of the Trump Puzzle: The Carter Page FISA Warrant

Josh asks:

The oddity of Page is that he certainly wasn’t operating under deep cover. Indeed, he paraded his pro-Russian views widely. In other words, it’s not like Page was a mole - the most Russophobic advisor who turned out to be in Moscow’s employ. Page was right out in the open as a major critic of US policy who believed and said to all who’d listen that the US should be far friendlier to Russia. Other oddities are his constant press appearances. Why did he go on Chris Hayes show a few weeks ago? Why has he made so many press appearances, almost all of which have been handled weirdly and badly? Why hasn’t he just lawyered up and shut up? For that matter, if Page was operating as a Russian agent, why would he travel to Moscow to give a speech harshly critical of the US a week before the convention? Needless to say, that’s certainly going to draw attention. It’s all a mystery.

Why is all of this so public? The whole thing, the investigation, the Nunes charade - all public. The bombing of Syria, that all played out in public including the evidence of atrocities. Stone is talking to Guccifer 2.0 and doesn’t even care to hide it either, not at the time and not even as recently as last month. He publicly boasts on twitter about his back channel. Why?


This confirms all of my suspicions about unjustified, politically motivated government surveillance,” Page told the Post on Tuesday “I have nothing to hide.”

This just confirms my suspicions that he’s too stupid to know what he ought to be hiding.


“This confirms all of my suspicions about unjustified, politically motivated government surveillance,” Page told the Post on Tuesday “I have nothing to hide.”

Uh Yes you do
Back in early April Maddow got her hands on the script of surveillance that was done on 2 Russian spies who were eventually busted .
Rachel Maddow describes how former Donald Trump foreign policy adviser Carter Page was unwittingly recruited and cultivated as an asset by Russian spies, as outlined in a new report from Buzzfeed News.

He came across as the stupid kind of dupe the Russians love
Well worth the view if you have time


Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.

Act IV, Scene 1 - Macbeth


He’s trying to hide in plain sight.

“How could I be secretly spying for Russia, if I’m openly flying there, giving public talks, and advocating for closer and friendlier relations with Russia? Only an idiot would do that”.


trump continues to hold these guys at arms length. Manafort? Maybe campaign manager? Hardly knew him. Carter Page my #2 policy advisor? Never met. Trump has surrounded himself with people with obvious connections to Russia, Russian mafia, and oligarchs, as is Trump, though not seeing how this is going to touch Trump.

Did Trump hire these clowns or were they foisted on him from somewhere like the Mercers pushed Bannon into his campaign.


And would you believe Trump’s answer if he had one? I know I wouldn’t.


I think not. What I think is he ran to his erstwhile friends saying “What do I do? What do I do?” and they told him stick with the program, everything’ll be fine. But everything will not be fine. If he had a good lawyer he was listening to he wouldn’t be on TV all the time in the first place and he’d have that lawyer working on a deal. But he’s far too squirrelly to do what’s sensible or he wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place. Just glad my work, reputation and freedom aren’t relying on the steady, calm natures of people like Flynn and this wack job.


Wait until the shit sticks to Jared.


Greta interview Spicer on holocaust welcome centers on MSNBC now!


Anyone handing him a shovel?


Yeah, but what does Shelly Adelson think? That’s what matters.


What I see in Page is … deliberate arrogant stupidity in public. “I’ll do it cuz I can.” I doubt the thought process goes much deeper than that.


“Oh the abuse of power! I ask you, is it a crime to be an unregistered agent of a hostile foreign power while burrowing into a presidential candidate’s campaign?”

The thing that’s a bit interesting is how Trump suddenly started picking up Russian intelligence assets who offered to work for him for free at precisely the point that it looked like he could win the nomination and at just the point when the hacking was occurring.


“That’s a strange “happy” to me.” Page has seemed strangely happy in all his interviews. Definitely not the most impressive foreign agent I’ve seen.

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TRMS: Former Donald Trump Adviser Duped By Russian Spies

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