Discussion: Walker Under Fire From GOP Over 'Crap Budget' As He Hits 2016 Travel Circuit

Besides, the actual number of true swing voters—those whose political affiliations can’t be discerned from their voting patterns—is far smaller than is commonly portrayed by the MSM. The large majority of so-called “swing voters” or “independents” actually vote reliably for Republicans or Democrats. Those people who are truly unaffiliated in any way are the lowest of the low-information voters, and reaching them is much less important than getting the Democratic “base” out to the polls. If Clinton (or Sanders or whoever) can get more or less the same number of Dems to vote that the Obama campaigns did, it would take an incredible GOTV effort AND significant voter suppression for the GOP candidate to win the general. Well, we know that the GOP will try every voter suppression tactic in the books, don’t we?

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Who’s doing that? Certainly not the post to which you reply. That says, in essence, he’s the strongest candidate and therefore the most dangerous. Least-worst for whom? Not the country.


I read ‘somewhere’ that the Packers are looking for a new home…

“Isn’t that $250 million he’s taking away from education the exact amount he’s giving to the rich to build a sports stadium? Yup, nothing like welfare for the poor billionaires so they can continue to drink wine and eat lobster and steak which welfare to the poor forbids.”

Is he gonna demand the wealthy welfare recipients get drug tested too before he gives them 250 million?

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“You are so right about the Dem’s incompetence in terms of messaging. The savings inherent in the ACA extend the life of Medicare by estimates of 5-15 years even this early in its implementation. Where is that in the news? And this is just one issue.”

The news is not the news to inform but to propagate misinformation.

The information is owned and parceled out as “they” see fit. There is very little liberal media. That only exists in the right wing mentality.

For those of us who wish to be informed, it is a constant battle of searching numerous sites. It is only going to get worse.

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Lambeau Field belongs to the citizens of Green Bay, and so does the team.
It’s teh only NFL franchise that is community-owned.

That’s true.

Maybe Green Bay can secede.

What Walker won’t say is that Wisconsin is now LAST in the nation in business startups, that the middle class has declined more in Wisconsin than in any other state in the country, the median household income has declined by 14%, and thanks to his relentless attacks on teachers many of them have retired or moved to another state. Now Walker and the teapublicans in order to fill the teacher shortages want to license HIGH SCHOOL DROPOUTS to teach! They also want to drop criminal background investigations of school employees. So you could have a pedophile teaching a classroom full of kids who is unqualified to teach! Voters should run away from this guy as fast as they can.


He reminds me of grown up Damien from The Omen.

I do not have the slightest fear of this guy. He will shrivel under national scrutiny. A small portion of the Republican voting base likes him and a generic meat sandwich would get 40 to 45% of the vote because, southern strategy and dumb. So they all have that going for them right out of the gate.
Walker bringing in moderates is as likely as Hillary bringing in uneducated young males. Not gonna happen.
Republicans will once again settle for the best of the worst, ala, Romnerd and McCain/Palin. They have no shining star, whereas, the Democrats already have several and the biggest.

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Which Wisconsin taxpayers will have to pay back. Congratulations, conservatives. You just got taxed, Republican style.

He is like a man with a shrinking umbrella standing in an indictment downpour … that’s one mark against him. Also, how many out-of-wedlock kids does he have?

Tough question. Each of them seem to take turns in the “odious” chair. One day it’s Huckabee, the next day it’s Christie, then Walker, Trump, Jindal, Bush, Graham, Fiorina, Santorum, Carson, Cruz, ad nauseam. Come to think of it, Rubio may be the only one who has failed to play the ass. This should disqualify him among GOP voters.

I live in Wisconsin. I have a Ph.D. It is very painful watching what Scott Walker is doing to Wisconsin. It’s to the point now where I rarely talk about the current administration in public, because after a few statements giving examples of what Scott Walker has done to the working men and women of Wisconsin, all I can say are invectives and profanities. Money has corrupted our politics to the point where our Governor is nothing more than a puppet to well-monied extreme right-wing radicals. He completed a couple of semesters at Marquette, had a tough go of it, and has since been very anti-education. The dullard now seeks to destroy the University of Wisconsin by removing tenure. Any claims that tenure decisions will fall to the University imply that the Regents will protect tenure, yet the majority of Regents are appointed by the Governor.

I was not educated at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, but I accepted employment in Wisconsin and came because my children could attend a great University. Over the years, I started my own business and have done very well. However, if the University of Wisconsin-Madison tanks due to Walker’s hatred of education (and I am talking about the loss of many extremely talented top-tier tenured professors), then I’m going to move my business and my family to a much more education-friendly state. I can afford out-of-state tuition for my children, but I cannot abide the abuse that Walker is foisting on all but those who flood the state with their filthy lucre.

Walker is Brownbacking the state of Wisconsin. His failure to thrive at Marquette and his subsequent loathing of education demonstrate his very deep disappointment with himself and his failure, and now he is projecting that self-loathing onto Wisconsin’s education system.


Absentee governor, showing us what an absentee president he’d be.


“Scott Walker gleefully steers ship of state onto shoals of bankruptcy.”

We call it Wis-koch-istan.
But Snotty Walker DID accomplish something. He trashed Wisconsin and that’s a suc-k-cess if you’re a koch brother.

This is the state that brought us Joe McCarthy, Jeffery Dahmer, and the Green Bay Packers so really its not out of line that they produce something incredibly offensive

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Exactly. This is what is killing the Democratic Party. Utter incompetence with regard to messaging–and zero courage. Actually, they’re probably still hoping to get a little Koch money.

I dunno - I can’t imagine that he could take more vacation days than Bush the Lesser?

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