Discussion: Voters Overwhelmingly Blame Trump & GOP For Shutdown In New Poll

I blame the repugnicants elimination of the Fairness Doctrine that allowed all those Midwestern fascist station owners to begin broadcasting nothing but right-wing kooks and screamers. Fux News is another outgrowth.

An individual example of the effect of this blatant propaganda/disinformation campaign (dare I say, InfoWar?) is documented in: http://www.thebrainwashingofmydad.com/


2? I’m thinking 8.

And who are these 36% and why do they all live in my town?

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Can’t imagine that it is going to get any better with the word getting out that Trump and company are embracing the idea of using this as an opportunity to never bring back massive numbers of federal employees … it stinks like a giant contrived bunch of crap …

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Not exactly, but I know why you made this common mistake. Actual vote counts reported give the Ds a 53.4% vs. 44.8%, with the rest being 3rd party. BUT, that does not include 4 uncontested districts in FL held by Ds which reported no vote totals, with Florida being the only state which does that. If you included those votes cast (or would have been cast if allowed), the Ds would have earned about 800K more votes and the margin would have been 9.3%.

I think Trump’s actual net approval is around -20%. If he loses this shutdown business and has to fold, he’ll lose another 5% mostly from his followers who are realizing (finally!) that’s he not worth it as a leader. Most will rationalize their continued support, however. Screw 'em.

Let’s get those people college degrees!

Looks like you replied to someone replying to me and it was tagged as replying to me. That’s a common mistake when you quote something already quoted but I guess it works for replies too.

I think the lower number is about right for for the true believers. Of the three trump supporters I know (this is way-blue MA, after all) two are of the “smirk” variety - aging counter-culture types who just think it’s funny that “establishment” types are upset. The other is perhaps more typical, and in a way, traditional - total disinterested in politics, doesn’t follow the news beyond cursory headlines, but supports “the President,” whoever that may be. Both these types are peel-off-able; I think we’re now seeing the beginning of that as those headlines get crazier every day.

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I vote we exfiltrate Putin somehow and put him in a cell with Donald’s entire family. That should send a chill down the spine of other evil dictators and act as a meaningful deterrent to future intervention in U.S. politics.

squirrel-T wins today!

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I think of the Manchurian candidate all the time. But here’s the difference - the GOP candidates and the back room boys were unaware that Islin was a stooge under the thumb of a Russian operative.
Mitch, Pence, and all their cronies have known it since 1/2/17 - that’s really the shock.


(1) I very much appreciate your pointing out the FL votes. Agree, that its likely to be another 800K votes, but if I add them in I get a D % of 53.7 to 44.8, which is a 8.9% margin. Perhaps my math is off. But this matters…

(2) I think you are right about the margin being about 20% now, once you take out the garbage polling and the internet only stuff, I think the actual margin right now is about 38% to 57%, with the slippage being from the “soft support” rather than from the core crazies who bailed (or told pollsters they did not approve) when he looked waffly.

The interesting thing for Trump is that he has become captive of his base, as the part of the electorate who is potentially persuadable to Trump has gotten smaller. He obviously got 46% of the vote in 2016, I think there is no way against any but the most far left candidate (someone like Warren or Sanders) that he is going to break 44%. The only way he gets elected is if a moderate third party candidate runs and splits the vote. Against a conventional moderate/liberal democrat (i.e without the pep of Beto, or Trump really screwing the pooch or Mueller destroying him) I doubt that Trump can pull over 40-41% of the vote at this point.

And remember - any time you’re speaking about GOP Congresscritters, you wonder if they are being controlled by the Russians, too.

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eldon, I’ve been quoting her for years now, she really tells a familiar story.

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Kentucky, and whatever he’s got on Republicans in the Senate.

I wonder who would be qualified or even want his job? It’d be interesting to see who succeeds him in the senate when that time comes.

How about Chuck Schumer in 2021 ?

We are on the verge of an air travel collapse in the US - due to walkouts at both TSA and FAA (ATC). How long do these dotards think they can hold out when that happens ?

The basic problem with the GOP is that they hate Democracy and they can’t govern. All they are good at is rigging marginal elections. When the margins get big, they start to look like Whigs. That day cannot come soon enough for me. They fooled us baby-boomers, but those millennial are too smart to eat their bullshit. As Bob Dylan once sung, "the times, they are a changin’ "

If it were otherwise we would be doomed as a nation. The fact that it is 63 to 32 percent means we are staring into the precipice.

Happening as we speak.

Support for funding border security does not automatically translate into support for Trump’s wall.

That is what we need to convince the press it means. Right now some of them want to conflate the two. I am for border security. I am opposed to wasting money that could otherwise be spent on improving border security on Trumps vanity wall.

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has been interesting watching fivethirtyeight

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