Discussion: Voters Overwhelmingly Blame Trump & GOP For Shutdown In New Poll


Blame, blame, blame. Blame the fools!!!


So when will Mitch do his job? And come to think of it, why does he even have his job? Does our peculiar system guarantee kakistocracy, or does it merely encourage it?


Trump may not care, but Congressional Republicans up for re-election in 2020 certainly do. We may see a bifurcation between the two soon, especially if another Russia bombshell drops.


especially if when another Russia bombshell drops.


He just has an unconventional idea of what his job is.


This isn’t fair. I mean, you’re shown on live TV accepting sole and complete responsibility for the government shutdown, and whoa, people are actually going to hold you to it? Don’t they know by now he’s a professional liar and bullshitter?


He needs Micheal Cohen now to rehash this gambit


I took a poll of my own opinion of Donnie and I determined that Trump is a complete and total dickhead. It was 100%.


Even Rasmussen has him down by 12 points. That’s the polling equivalent of commercials on TV last cycle where you had five siblings all saying “Don’t vote for my brother.” And YouGov, which is a real poll, has him at 37 percent.


What strikes me about these polls - and this one showing only 32% support shutting down the government or declaring a national emergency (with respectively 63 and 65% opposed) and only 36% blaming democrats (vs. 56 Trump/Republicans) is that these numbers are well below Trump’s approval rating.

Before the shutdown Trump was at about 42% approval in the agreegate numbers, and this level of support is much lower.

What this shows is that the shutdown is going to hurt Trump’s approval ratings, which is what we are seeing.

While the wall (at least in this poll) got 43% approval, Trump’s actions regarding that wall are far less popular.

p.s. entire poll (although they did not release Trump’s approval at this time) is here: https://poll.qu.edu/national/release-detail?ReleaseID=2592

notably the democratic proposal to re-open the governement gets 63-30 support, and funding boarder security w/o the wall gets 61 to 32 support.


Who says he isn’t? He may be doing exactly what his direct report wants.


Someday, someone is going to have to explain why it has taken so long for the blatant truth to be believable.

It took decades of divisiveness and subterfuge to put those Trump True-Believers into their stupor. Those still desperately hanging on seem completely out of touch with reality, and every day they ignore the snowballing "Trump/Russher ’ scandal they prove it.

I still blame FOX.

Always will.


It won’t last, but largely because anger over the shutdown will fade to insignificance once most of the country begins accepting and grappling with the concept that Trump is a Russian asset working against America’s interests.


Fake polls.


Those are the stubborn Republicans who don’t really support Trump, per se, but they’d eat glass shards before they’d acquiesce to anything “liberal.”
But at the root of it, Trump’s cult is barely over 25%.
Stupid happens at more than one level, when it comes to Trump.


We need a breakdown by state.
Or at least by region.
“Overwhelming numbers” in the big blue cities in the blue states are just not meaningful any more.

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Also, always different rules for Dems.

To date, most editorial boards simply can’t summon the courage to call for Trump’s removal. Twenty years ago, they had no such trouble insisting Clinton resign. In fact, there seemed to be a media race to demand the Democrat exit the Oval Office. “He should resign because he has resolutely failed — and continues to fail — the most fundamental test of any president: to put his nation’s interests first,” USA Today announced in September 1998. America’s largest daily was unequivocal that Clinton lacked “both the courage and the character to make that sacrifice.”



McConnell needs to start being blamed for this shut down. Calling it the Dump shut down isn’t moving the needle towards opening the gov. If people started blaming McConnel Dump would be more than happy to throw Mitch under the bus, and then put the bus in reverse to drive over Mitch again. Once the pressure is on Mitch and Dump joins the chorus Mitch will be more than happy to bring up the bills in the Senate.

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