Discussion: Vegas Shooter Thought Bundy Ranch 'Could Be... Start Of Revolution'

this is who rush limbaugh sean hannity fox news and the koch brothers tea party have created. And everyone who follows these people are fools.

These government-hating, gun-toting, faux patriotic nut jobs are little more than self-serving, tea-chugging anarchists.

Can we just start calling them Republican and Bagger Whitewing Terrorists? It will save time on the whole race thing.

Mark my words: The NRA and the Open Carry rightie nut bags will use this as evidence for why we need to be armed with bazookas and grenades in CiCi’s and other eating and shopping venues… even though the first two victims were armed cops. It’s as predictable as the sun rising in the east.

I surprised that FOX Spews hasn’t pointed out that the murdered policemen were ~gasp!~ union members, and …after all… unions are REALLY what’s killing the country…dontcha’ know!

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It’s also their duty to buy the most powerful armament, and get in people’s faces. I think this goes beyond the Constitution. They are dedicated to a pure country. The Second Amendment is just their fetish.

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If Snowden is correct, and the NSA is really spying on our social media, why weren’t they able to catch these anti-government TP idiots?

now you have some nut case named alex jones who is some talk radio host say that this vegas shooting was staged by harry reid and other Conspirators.
Its people like him that brings out the crazy in the crazy gun nuts head.

That’s a great point. Having guys like these waving guns around public places, like… oh, say voting precincts…? The ones who’ll get scared enough to stay away will be the old folks, like you say.

It sure won’t keep liberals away.

Just more law abiding gun owners, until they’re not. Next time waltz into the NRA office.

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Oh, no! You can’t do that! You see, guns are not allowed in the NRA’s headquarters!

Alex Jones is a touchstone for Teabaggers and conspiracy theorists. He’s the only talking head I know who makes Mark Levin and Michael Savage look mellow.

The Millers believed their actions would mark a turning point in history. However, using the Gadsden flag to mark such a horrific event may leave an indelible mark on the Tea Party movement. The law of unintended consequences.


Professional dumbass conspiracy theorist and certifiable lunatic Alex Jones is perhaps the most obviously insane of all the Rightie online pundits…and a FOX fav of course. Alex Jones’ very predictable bullsh*t “false flag” operations memes and “find some way to blame the White House” screeds are laughable, but the low/no information Rightie Baggers and Cons eat that crap up.
Alex Jones is a prime example of a typical Republican and Con Rightie Wingnuttery DEMON screeching at the top of his lungs: “WE ARE BEING DEMONIZED!”

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Any Republican elected officials calling them “patriots” yet?

It’s hard to track, the patriots that hate their country and absolutely are willing to die for it so they can secede, blah-blah. Surely there much be some elected teahad shit-for-brains who agrees with the “philosophy,” though.

Automatic deduction of 15 IQ points for wearing a backward baseball cap.

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Anyone watch Maddow tonight? She talked about how Indiana passed a bill that was signed into law that allows people to kill cops…if it can be justified later. Un-fucking-believable. I had never heard of that anywhere in the news that I can recall until now. It passed in 2012 I believe she said. Where was the outrage on that? That’s fucking insane. Mitch Daniels signed that piece of shit into law from his ruby red legislature. How’d you like to be any kind of law enforcement in that State? Their politicians don’t even have law enforcement’s backs. I’m just dumbfounded by that.

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Murdoch’s Maulers have blood on their collective talons.

Too bad three people had to die at their worthless hands.

BUT I don’t mind saying having two less armed mental cases doesn’t bother me in the least.

Want to try that in English, preferably with some kind of expansion on your “thought”?

Chill baby. Chill.