Discussion: Vegas Shooter Thought Bundy Ranch 'Could Be... Start Of Revolution'

Slightly OT:

Please check this out. Charles Pierce occasionally loans his Esquire blog to guest columnists, one of whom is Lt. Colonel Robert Bateman. He’s been a major critic of the kind of ammosexuals our two shooters were, as well as the general hysteria whipped up by the NRA. He posted this screed earlier today, and I wish I could get this man’s email addy so I could tell him how I’d follow him into Hell:

If that’s the best you’ve got, maybe your mom should take your tablet away until you can use your words better.

You’re giving them too much credit.

Start the Revolution without us.

-Amanda and Jared

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birds of a feather… flock together.

It takes a bad woman with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun, and then stop herself too, or something.

I guess the DHS report was more spot on that anyone knew. No wonder conservatives squealed like stuck pigs when it was released.


From The New York Times: “He worked as a street performer, and would often dress as Batman or the Joker; Ms. Miller would sometimes accompany him dressed as the villain Harley Quinn.” Earlier in the article it says that the woman worked at Hobby Lobby. Hmm . . .

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I really think when law enforcement, and Fire Departments coast to coast (mainly
straight white males) start demanding fewer guns in the hands of those
who seem to hoard and fetishize them will we see any movement on this

I agree. It won’t matter how many people are killed by homicidal nutjobs - those deaths will always be excused as the work of nutjobs.

What will matter, I believe, is law enforcement letting it be known that the “volunteers” are making it harder for officers to do their jobs. What will matter is cases where the bad guys got away, because officers wasted time at a scene apprehending armed volunteers while responding to a report of shots fired. What will matter is cases where police shoot armed volunteers, because a tense scene doesn’t allow for a careful assessment of everyone with a gun. What will matter is cases where armed volunteers shoot an undercover or off-duty officer who came upon a situation that called for the officer to pull out a weapon. What will matter is cases where armed volunteers kill each other or kill innocent bystanders while playing hero in a situation where guns were unnecessary or obviously unwise. What will matter is cases where an open-carry practitioner serves as a ready source of weaponry for a bad guy without a gun.

And it will take a lot of such cases to start to make headway.

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Sean Hannity has achieved the outcome he worked for.

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There’s clearly no shortage of homicidal psychos. Where the Bundys’, Fundies’, Baggers’ and Fools’ influence comes in is during target selection. It’s no accident that no crazies are shooting up investment banks, insurance companies, think tanks or stock exchanges.

FWIW, Amanda Miller’s FB page says she was head of the needlework department at a Hobby Lobby. Make of that what you will.

The stuff they posted on Facebook isn’t much different from a whole lot of people. Even the things they posted about the police, saying they wish they’d get shot back at in response to a story about unpunished police brutality, is pretty similar to what you see from commenters on Raw Story, almost all leftists (lots of firebaggers, not even sure how better to describe them). The rest is pretty standard teabaggery, with a bit of chemtrail nuttery thrown in as well. I used to see this guy most every day, with his signs on the street, and based on his posts I’d consider him a much higher danger:

They don’t look like geekers, too bad all they had in life was membership in a comic book youth gang of jokers.

Aw, they’s jes’ kids! Kids with guns!

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Last Thursday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) responded to the standoff at Cliven Bundy’s Nevada ranch in very forceful terms. “Those people who hold themselves out to be patriots are not,” Reid said. “They’re nothing more than domestic terrorists,”

A day later, Reid appeared alongside his fellow Nevada senator, Republican Dean Heller, for a joint appearance on Las Vegas’ NBC affiliate. They apparently don’t see eye to eye. “What Sen. Reid may call domestic terrorists, I call patriots,” GOP Sen. Dean Heller said during the rare joint appearance on KSNV-TV. “We have a very different view on this.” […] http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/3147042/posts

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They seem like crystal methed out murderous criminal types looking for an excuse to perp murderous crime. And the right-wing anti-government loud mouths served it up to them on a silver platter. Somehow I doubt these two would have made it through an average lifetime without murdering someone but now they’ve upped the ante for the rest of the anti-government idiots fed on right-wing rhetoric.

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Yep. Thanks for this reminder.

Thanks… except I don’t do Facebook. (Got enough digital crap in my life.) I do appreciate it, though, Les.

UPDATE: Clicked on the link and got a “This content is currently unavailable” message. Guess his page got troll-bombed… huh, I mean, “was met with disagreement from freedom-loving patriots!” Yeah, that’s the ticket…

Fucking cowards.