Discussion for article #223697
Any Republican elected officials calling them “patriots” yet?
We are already on our way to tyranny, and your corrupt evil ass needs to leave this country before you incite another civil war.
This “you are making me kill people!!” cry of the self-described victim/violent-offender is the same one the Santa Barbara nutjob used. “These sluts who wouldn’t talk to me if I did have the balls to talk to them are making me kill them!! Whores!!”
I see a trend and it is the outcome many GOP ingredients: imaginary victimhood+violence+inadequacy+righteousness.
Who is to blame? The highbrow RWNJ George F. Will would say women who fuss about being raped:
and that when they make victimhood a coveted status that confers privileges, victims proliferate,"
The deconstruction of victimhood by the Right is hard to wrap your head around, but as long as the mass killers think that they are the righteous victims, they will act accordingly.And they are being told over and over that they are victims, and that standing their ground is not just an option, it is a moral obligation.
Seems like they were a lovely couple. Perhaps the neighbors should have included them in their afternoon tea sessions?
It looks like his backwards baseball cap says “Tool” on it. That fits.
When, oh when, are we going to start connecting the anti-government rhetoric coming out of the mainstream republican party with this sort of horrific act? Do they think that no one is ever going to believe them and act out on their suggestions?
What’s irritating is that Tool is a very high-brow band, lyrically. Very critical of people just like these. That moron probably had no idea what the music was about.
They don’t have the moral compass to care, that’s the problem. The GOP carelessly screws people over and takes the money.
I’m guessing that the NRA/Republican/Fox News talking points moving forward will be:
Clearly, this mass shooting, like all violence, was influenced by liberal Hollywood fiction like Batman. Also, it would be offensive and irresponsible to suggest that these lone wolves were in anyway influenced by conservative news.
I don’t think Hannity is going to be embracing these two. A rancher with a cowboy hat is one thing, but the visuals here are all wrong. Oh, and the murdering. That too.
Better off dead. Good riddance.
Another product of Fux News and people like Palin. Thanks, assholes.
I think it’s a combination of a few things. They think no one is actually going to believe them. Even if they do believe them, no one would actually act on that belief. Even if they do act on these anti-government beliefs, Republicans don’t believe it’s their fault or that their anti-government cheerleading had anything to do with it.
They were at Bundy’s and they put a TEA party flag over the body, yet the FOX GOP pot stirring pundits will disavow all of it. Just like when they killed “Tiller the baby killer” just like they will if something happens to Bergdahl or his parents.
All the talk and none of the responsibility, must be nice to be a republican … so little guilt in self-righteousness.
I see they were into Batman cosplay, they took it a little too literally huh? They did the Joker and Harley Quinn, except did the things in real life that the Joker, a completely amoral psychopath with no regard for human life would do, and Harley, the crazy girl in love with him who would do anything for his approval including display a lack of regard for human life.
Hannity School of Jurnalizm:
Talking about killing and revolution = Good!
Actually doing it = Bad…for ratings
They should’ve just stuck with Crazy Quilt and Egghead.
Miller wrote, referring to the Cliven Bundy militia crowd:
“They don’t seem to understand that they are all felons now for intimidating law enforcement with deadly weapons.”
He got that right, anyway.
I’d also say that no one at fox or in conservative media expects to be anywhere near the fallout of these violent outbursts. Despite their pandering to “real, heartland america,” the fox propagandists and their ilk are all coastal urban and suburban elites. They’d be on their cellphones, calling the cops, the millisecond anything scary goes down.
That photo of them walking on the road makes me think of Kit and Holly from Badlands.
“My girl Holly and I decided to kill ourselves. The same way I did her Daddy. Big decision, you know. Uh, the reasons are obvious. I don’t have time to go into right now. But, one thing though, he was provoking me when I popped him. Well that’s what it was like. Pop. I’m sorry. I mean, nobody’s coming out of this thing happy. Especially not us. I can’t deny we’ve had fun though.”
Looks like we are going to turn these people into celebrities, way to contribute