Discussion: Vegas Shooter Thought Bundy Ranch 'Could Be... Start Of Revolution'

The epitome of losers. Good riddance


Boy, Fox News will be all over this story.

In the same way a baby is all over a diaper.

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I just don’t understand where the “tyranny” comes in with these folks. Yes, a decay in our civil Constitutional rights is always to be fought against, but when real threats to our rights are highlighted, they don’t seem to care, and imaginary ones cause them to kill, and be killed! A very sad series of events for all.

I imagine if these disillusioned young people weren’t egged on by Tea Party extremists, and had good, well-paying jobs, none of this would have happened.


Goons plain and simple.

The modern conservative movement: Creating this country’s Timothy McVeighs since 1980. ®


There may be some advantage to having low grade morons share every aspect of their lives on “social media” after all. Not much, but some. Mostly as a lesson as to why to avoid “social media.” if you plan to do something utterly crackers.

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Blood is on the hands of all who support this violent dystopian fantasy bullshit. Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin and on and on. All you Gadsden flag wavers, all you Tea Party Patriots, all you 2nd Amendment extremists. This is what you have wrought with the despicable lies and frothing at the mouth fanaticism about Socialism, Muslims, tyranny, birth certificates, gun grabbing. The tree of stupidity has been watered. Are you proud of yourselves?


It’s much easier to wreck things than build things. The Fox/Tea party only has to wreck things.

Getting people to shoot cops and justify it with spoon-fed fear is one way to wreck things.


They seem like such nice right wing 'muricans to me…

I wonder how much longer the virulent infestation that the Bundy ranch has become will be permitted to exist?

I can hear the moaning already from the right. … " Millers good 'muricans…fweedom! Bergdahl baaad, commie deserter."


just two impressionable kids raised on Hannity, Beck, Alex Jones, Breitbart, etc. . . .


Alex Jones declaring this was a false flag. This is rich. This guy posted Infowars shit all over his Facebook page and Jones says it’s a false flag.


Sean Hannity and Fox News really do share some culpability here. Had they vetted Bundy or had they decided not to promote a dead beat, these two morons probably wouldn’t have sold their possessions and quit their jobs to join “the revolution”. I suspect that after they got kicked off the ranch, they were dejected and angry to have been kicked out of the “uprising”. I’m sure they became even angrier when Bundy’s racist comments caused the conservative entertainment complex to drop him like a bad habit. So, that left two radical idiots broke, angry, unemployed, and feeling their cause had been abandoned. Normally, the police aren’t targeted but some version of this happens all the time.
Had these two never heard of Cliven Bundy, they probably would’ve continued on living their desperate, miserable lives of hate. Thanks, Sean.


I really think when law enforcement, and Fire Departments coast to coast (mainly straight white males) start demanding fewer guns in the hands of those who seem to hoard and fetishize them will we see any movement on this issue. Until then, it’s hard to care, because I know there are more senseless deaths coming. Very sad, and embarrassing for America.


fwiw - Timmothy McVeigh was executed on June 11, 2001 - it’s celebrated as a holiday among some militia types

then again among some militia types Cliven Bundy is celebrated as a hero


that’s just how deep it goes!

Apparently the Bundy ranch people rejected these two and there goes another absurd theory by the usual crowd in here.

One really wonders what the NSA is collecting by spying on social media websites nowadays. Surely it doesn’t pick up the threats left behind by all these loonies and act accordingly.

Anyway, by reading the comments of some of the “Highly Educated People” who, according to some, frequent this website, I have difficulties discerning the difference between these two shooters kind of reasoning and theirs. Seem that both are cut from the same cloth.


This couple grew in a petri dish of sociopathy, with that all too familiar Faux news and anti-government TParty agar base.

Just how many more of Frankenstein’s monsters are incubating in their disease-ridden laboratory?


Yeah, they’re exactly the same, because people who work for a safer America are exactly the same as tragic right wing loons who go out and kill cops.

Thanks for the ridiculous false equivalence and “concern”, Freepy!


You forgot the last line in that descending narrative, Plucky. Even if Republicans do believe it’s their fault, a few dead bodies is not enough reason to derail the fundraising money train the GOP has created with its anti-government ranting.

