Discussion: VA Mayor Uses Japanese Internment To Defend Blocking Refugee Assistance

Discussion for article #242991

Oh, that worked out to be quite fair didn’t it? One of this country’s proudest moments.

Right up there with my family being interred for being of German descent (we came to America in the 1890s long after many west Coast Japanese families had already settled here.)

More appropriate comparison is our barring Jewish immigrants in the late 1930’s. Another high point in American Altruism.


These people are truly and utterly lost. Embracing the shameful history of internment of the Japanese and using it to justify repeating the same kind of bigoted stupidity again?

Sometimes I really want off this planet.


We behaved shamefully and cravenly once, so we should do it again, he says. I bet he calls himself a Christian, too.


Mayor Dude, let me put it this way. Remember those bumper stickers that said, “If you think education is expensive, try ignorance”? The idea was not to suggest that you should actually try ignorance, you stupid yutz.

Autobiographical note: I remember when I first started reporting on municipal meetings I was astonished at how god-damn flat-out dumb a lot of the local elected officials could be. Not all, certainly, and it’s gotten better since then, but some of the them were really, really some dumb SOBs.


This is why Democracy fails. The more educated and intelligent a person, the lower their overall reproduction rate.

The Founding Fathers understood this, that’s why they put in Checks and Balances to ensure that true one-man-one-vote never would take over.

Thank Heavens, otherwise we’d be seeing this crap for an eternity.


INternmENt of Japanese prevented JAPAense TERROR. Before INTernment: Pearl HArbor. After INternment: NO Pearl Harbor.


WE’d Barely aSSIMILATEd ALL THE DRUNK Irishmen at that POINT. USA was OVercapacity.


The chief difference being that the Nisei didn’t have “free RooseveltPhones” to detonate car bombs.


To paraphrase that famous quote, those who don’t understand history are doomed to double down on the most fucking ignorant right wing xenophobic actions, moreso if they claim to be Christian.


A bakers dozen of good bagels might have helped absorb some of that alcohol.

Opportunity missed I say!

Excellent point.

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Shameful? Oh, heck, we’ve been shameful before. That’s one of the things America is best at.


To hell with the “Christian” test to admit refugees, can we have an intelligence test before you are admitted to (or allowed to continue in) elected office in this country?

It this too much to ask?

Of course that would eliminate almost all of the current right-wing nut jobs from elected office, but I say let the chips fall where they may…


Too bad First Nations didn’t adopt that strategy way back in the day.


Actually, it goes Pearl Harbor > declaration of war > no Pearl Harbor.

Ball is in your court, Speaker Ryan.


I think we’re gonna need a “Godwin’s Law” for “Japanese Internment Camps!” soon.


Roosevelt did not “sequester Japanese foreign nationals”. Roosevelt interned american citizens of Japanese ancestry. We had american citizens in internment camps while their kids were fighting in the U.S. Army. It was precisely the hysteria of saying that you could not be sure that any of them would be loyal, that some might be enemy agents, that some might do something nefarious but nebulous, that justified it.

And it was shameful. But of course, if you can’t even remember what actually happened, there’s no need to feel ashamed about it…


After catching a clue, they started that line of thought.

It was too little, too late…


There is going to be some wicked flop sweat when this orgy of insanity comes to an end.

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Further proof Southern Democrats are as fucking ignorant as Southern Republicans. The whole damn South is an intellectual sink hole.

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